Chapter 15

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As we started moving once again, everyone feeling even more on guard as the creatures were becoming reckless and daring

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As we started moving once again, everyone feeling even more on guard as the creatures were becoming reckless and daring. Paris whimpered causing me to turn my attention to him, my eyes widened in fear, matching the same expression on his face as we watched the last of his alcohol drain away meaning we would have one bottle left. Johns looked over our way and mumbled for us to come in closer.

Not stopping I noticed out the corner of my eye Paris go and grab his last bottle, from his personal pile, hoping it will provide us just enough light to last us the rest of the trip to the skip. Then suddenly I heard a thud on the sand, something different than the sound of the creatures. Realising that he dropped the bottle I turned my attention back a head of me, but that was the wrong thing to do because Paris stopped and so did Jack.

Jack being the sweet boy, and possibly his thoughts clouded in fear, went over to grab it. "Jack?!" yelled, pain and fear in my voice "Jack come back here" I screamed as he grabbed it, hearing a sound similar to a missile coming down I shook off the light and ran at him, my mind and body running on an instinct of protection and fear. Riddick also moving right behind me, as once I grabbed Jack, Riddick grabbed me and throwing us into the sand and away from where we were.

Johns being the fast acting man pulled out his gun and shot into the darkness into the direction of sound, pulling him out the way I felt something nicked my side, but I ignored it for the moment. The others called out at us Imam and Fry stood beside Johns and Paris... well Paris ran, more like crawled away trying to escape the thought of death by running straight into its arms.

Paris continued to mumble "this can't be happening" over and over until sparks flew as he pulled out his light vines from one of the batteries , causing the majority of light to disappear from us and sending him into darkness so not even I could see him and I was the closest to him. The mumbling soon stopped and the creatures noises became louder than ever as they must have realised it was dinner time.

There was no point in calling out to him as I was sure there was no point, a second later, a small flickering light was seen as Paris must have pulled out his lighter before I see him lift something up to his face. All of a sudden a large flame of light came out of his mouth, this showed the seer number of creatures that were circling around him, something of nightmares and was diffidently something that I wouldn't like to see in my finial moments.

Pulling Jack closer to me, I didn't want him to see nor hear anything that was about to happen. "Well its good to see that your ok" Johns said to Riddick as he went to help me up. " Thankyou" I said as Riddick helped pull me and Jack up to our feet, but by doing so I let out a low hiss as I instantly moved my hand to the side. Feeling a wet sticky substance I realised what it was but held it up to the light none the less, blood.

Letting out a shallow breath I tried to hide my pain but both Jack and Riddick had caught on to movement "are you ok? Oh my gosh it's all my fault-" Jack said but I pulled him into a hug and kissed the top of his head "Jack its ok, just a scratch, I'll be fine" I said but when I looked up I made eye contact with Riddick who almost looked as concerned as the boy in my arms. He must have realised that it was more than a scratch, nothing that would hopefully kill me at the moment but if we were stuck out here for more than 12 hours then we would have an issue.

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