Chapter 3

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Riddick's POV

I was not happy, Johns had gotten the better hand and now I was just sitting here. Hearing the others talk outside didn't give me much hope in escaping this god forsaken planet. There was not a lot for me to work with, the best option I could think of was to wait it out. See if they find a way off of the planet and then leave them in the dust. It's not the best place I could have been stranded. Deep down I realised that the only reason I hadn't started attacking anyone is for that one person I sensed on the ship before we crashed, the female.

When the crash happened, I couldn't help but hear the cracking sounds of metal as pieces of the ship went flying along with anything within it. Worry and fear churned in my stomach at the thought of something happening to her. This alone made me furious, how was it that this simple lady that I hadn't even met could have such a hold over me. It has even gotten to the point that I also cared about the child she was travelling with.

Turning my head to the side I was able to slightly move the blindfold Johns had put over my head, I found a cutting torch which had been abandoned once the survivors were able to rescue a few of the people that were trapped in their pods. Looking up I realised that near the ceiling the metal beam I had been cuffed to, had been snapped leaving just enough room for the chains to pass through.

I began to stand, cracking my neck and flexing my arms and shoulders getting ready to move them. Moving my arms up I grunted as a gruesome popping sounds echoed throughout the room, allowing me to carry my arms overhead and passing through the gap before bringing them down in front of me popping them back into their sockets.

Moving quickly I reached forward and grabbed the cutting torch, making work of it.

Sarah's POV

Johns soon left the room as I sat down, enjoying the cool shade. "I don't think I will be able to drink this stuff" I said opening the bottle and sniffing it, hating the way it smelled. Imam just laughed as he held Ali as I looked through is back for anything useful. I smiled when I found two bags of crackers and a small bottle of water. Not wanting to hind anything from anyone I informed everyone with what I fond but said that they would be for Ali and Jack seeing's as they couldn't drink alcohol and were only children.

"God fucking dammit" Johns yelled from outside, I quickly covered Jacks ears while Imam did the same with Ali. Everyone soon raced outside to see Johns standing there fuming while holding onto a piece of rope though it looked more like metal. I watched as Fry stiffened "oh no" she whispered, it was then when I realised what it was. It was the only thing keeping Riddick tied up while keeping us safe. "Like we needed another way to die" he yelled as I stepped up "Johns calm down, you won't be able to think properly if you are not in control, and without any water in this heat isn't helping anyone" I said walking up to him and placing my hands on both of his shoulders.

His breathing slowed down to match mine which was still not perfect due to the low air but it was better than nothing. "We need to find water, and it may be better to do it during nightfall when its cooler" I said turning to everyone who agreed with me "Im going to load up my guns" Johns said leaving us to head back into the ship which Shazza looked at me "I think Zeke and I can work something out to try and salvage anything from the ship, maybe even get the emergency signal up and running, did you want to join me Jack?" she said looking down to the young boy who looked over at me. I just smiled "Jack you do whatever makes you feel safe".

He came over and gave me a hug before whispering in my ear " I would really like to go with you but I think I can help Shazza", I just smiled and said that that is ok. We all moved back under the shade, almost like déjà vu "Jack were you traveling by yourself or were you with someone?" I said before taking a breath of air "no I ran away from home, was hoping to have a better life somewhere else" he said sitting down next to me with a sad expression.

I thought hard about what I was going to say " I know you just met me but maybe once we get off of this planet, you could always live with me. I can't guarantee that I would be a great mum but-" I was sudden caught off guard as Jack hugged me again "yes that would be so awesome". Well it wasn't something I thought I would be doing but it made me happy to know I could make others happy.

" I really don't see the point of protecting ourselves from this guy, if he's gone, he's gone. Why should he bother us?" Paris questioned as I rolled my eyes as his stupidity. Shazza and I shared a look as Johns walked over with a strange look in his eyes "First, because he can only live out there for so long- he's gonna come back and take what we got. Second, for the sheer thrill of the kill" he said adding a menacing smile at the end.

Moments later we were about to leave when Fry and Johns began to talk to Shazza and Zeke while ignoring Paris as he set up a relaxation area on top of the ship. " If you could bury the crew? They were good people who died a horrible death, they deserve something" she said as I thought that it was one of the few moments I felt sorry for her "sure will, I can do that while Jack helps Shazza" Zeke said pulling the strap of the shot gun over his shoulder.

We suddenly hear Imams children as we walked out only to gasp, "three suns?" I heard Jack said as we all stared ahead not really believing our eyes, "so much for your nightfall" Zeke said to us as Paris spoke up "so much for my cocktail hour". We were all doom and gloom until Imam spoke up "we take this as a good sign, a direction from God" I raised an eyebrow not sure what to think. Johns turned and looked at the blue sun "that's Riddick's direction, so we go that way" he nodded in the direction as Fry came up questioning him "but I thought you found his restraints over towards sun set?" "yeah, which means he went towards sunrise", I had to look away as I stifled a giggle at how Fry tried to take control of the situation while I could clearly see she didn't want it.

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