Chapter 5

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As we walked into the ship I placed Ali on one of the chairs as I went to pull my hair up into a pony tail once again as it had started to become loose. "No juice, looks like it's been laid up for years. But we might be able to adapt - "Fry said but both Johns and I turned our head in the direction we came through, the sound wasn't loud, almost like a small tap on the ship. "Shut up... sorry I thought I heard something" Johns relied though the tone in his voice told me he anything but sorry "like what?" Fry said turning her attention to him " a gunshot" both Johns and I said.

Once realising this conclusion we rounded everyone up thinking that it would be best to get back to the others, not wanting to take the chance with Riddick still on the loose. I felt a tightness in my gut, Riddick was still on the loose because of me. The opportunity came and went when Johns and Fry were talking back in the bone yard, but I thought that it might have been helpful in the future.

Racing through the sands we began to speed up as multiple gun sounds and screams filled the air. Shazza's voice was the main one heard as she called out for Zeke. As the sounds got louder I saw movement in the distance, something... more like someone was running in our direction. Johns snapped into action pulling out his gun and racing towards Riddick who was being chased by Shazza. To my surprise Johns got the upper hand and surprised Riddick knocking him right onto his back. Shazza was screaming her lungs out shouting 'Where is Zeke? What have you done with him?' Luckily Imam was holding Ali because I raced over to the hysterical woman holding her back from hurting herself.

At some point through the struggle, Johns had managed to get Riddick's goggles off and onto the sand, this act caused the convict to imminently try and block the light from entering his eyes. Suddenly Shazza shoved me off of her and kicked him in the face with her boot. I couldn't help but wince at the thud that sounded as I knew she put all of her weight behind it.

Soon after Johns and Fry went to tie Riddick up while I on the other hand moved to see the area in which Zeke vanished. Looking over the hole in the ground, the sight was considered a gory mess. Zeke's body was not in sight though his blood had been splattered around showing both sights of a fight along with how he was most likely murdered. Hoping down I looked around trying to find anything that would help, what was more confusing was not the hole in ground but a whole in the side.

Moving the tarp that was hanging above my head to the side allowing just enough sunlight to show me part of the whole. As I moved slower I realised that the marks on the hard sands were more like claw marks then anything a knife would do. This made me raise the question, if Riddick didn't kill Zeke, who or what did?

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