Chapter 8

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With Riddick now free from his restraints, there seemed to be an air of nervousness around the group. No one knew what to do with him, almost as though it was like handing someone a crying baby without having any idea of what to do with it. Ali was sitting on the ground playing in the cool sand as we watched the others begin to pack up their belongings. We decided to move into the abandoned compound in hopes that it would help without survival.

Jack was beside me, head resting in my lap. Ali looked up at me with a grin as he showed me a handful of sand, I couldn't help but giggle at the cute boy. He stood up and was jumping around in it before falling over. I expected him to start crying but he just laughed at his own clumsiness. Johns seemed to pop out of now where and sat down next to me "he's a cute boy, he seems to like you a lot" he said in that low voice of his, I didn't look at him unsure of where he was going, but to make the situation less tense I choose to speak up.

" Yeah he is, I can't wait to bring him home" I said thinking about all of the new memories I will soon be able to create with the young boy. Johns made a hum of approval, suddenly he slid his hand onto my thigh causing my body to tense at the intimate movement. " You know Sarah, once we leave this place, and me not looking for Riddick... it leaves a lot of time to keep preoccupied" he said in a suggestive way without really implying anything. He only seemed to find humour in my expression " I'll let you think about this, but I'm telling you... I don't like to lose" he said before getting up and speaking in a louder voice " we are about to head out, come on get a move on" Johns spoke loud enough to cause Jack to wake up.

Jack groaned as he rubbed his eyes " I can't wait to sleep on a bed again" he said as I laughed, trying to push the thoughts of being with Johns. We walked out to the front to see both Imam and Fry tying ropes around their chest, connecting them to a makeshift cart that help a single power cell. While Riddick was doing the same but he alone was about to drag all the cargo we were taking with us. Coming up with an idea I looked around for Johns but found him missing, probably getting himself ready before we left.

Moving over to Riddick I motioned for Jack to follow knowing how much the boy seemed to be fascinated by the man. "Hi Riddick, can I talk to you for a moment?" I asked as his head snapped up to face me. He stopped his actions and nodded " look it's going to be hard for the kids to make it to the settlement so I was wondering, if I put them on the cart, I could help you pull it. I can't do much but I figure it's better than nothing" I rambled hoping that my idea didn't sound too stupid to him.

Looking at his face I noticed the corner of his lips tug as he must have been resisting the urge to smirk or laugh at me. " Sure thing sweetheart, but you might want to hurry, looks like we are about to leave" he stated nodding his head over to Imam and Fry who were ready to go. My eyes found Johns as he winked at me before sending a glare in Riddick's direction. Shazza was carrying a bunch of tools along with a heavy bag of equipment while Paris... Paris was carrying a medium sized bag full of his own stuff. Doing nothing to help contribute to the group.

Heading to the settlement this time around was almost taking double of the time, we hadn't even made it to the bone yard when I turned to Riddick, being able to study him for the first time up close and personal in the sunlight. Though there was silence between us it was not awkward as I would have expected it to be, it was nice to be lost in my thoughts as Riddick seemed to possess this aura of protectiveness which was strange to feel from him.

The only thing wrong about the silence is that it opened the door up to my brain that had been trying to forget about my 2nd near death experience that happened earlier on. Those creatures that I saw, they lived in the darkness and thrived off of it. But why were they here on a planet with constant sun light. It irritated me when I realised no one was talking about this, Johns and Fry must figure if it's not a problem right now, why worry about it for the future... but those thoughts would only mean death for us if it comes true.

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