Chapter One - Not designer?

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Cover Designed by: Jessica Edwards
Photo by Alina Kurson:


Chapter one – not designer?

Cory's POV

She was a snobby rich bitch. I glared in her direction and turned back to Mathew, my best friend. We were stuck in the library for English. Mrs. Kane was rambling about the assignment but not many people were listening.

'god look, everyone sucks up to her' I grumbled shooting daggers at her again. She was talking to her best friend Reeda Turner. The two most popular girls in school. I was popular too, actually I slept around a lot so I was labelled the schools player, but we were in completely different groups. We talked sometimes but I tried avoiding her.

'dude, let it go' Mathew rolled his eyes writing down some notes. I looked back at her and crinkled my nose in disgust. Just then she stood up smiling and her hair flicked over her shoulder. Okay so I admit she was definitely extremely call the fire fighters hot. She had long brown hair, which was down today, blue striking eyes and the smile was always plastered on her face. Sometimes I had to do a double take to see if it was fake or not.

Today she was wearing black skinny jeans, which had to cost a fortune and were probably designer, a plain white tank top and an expensive looking chic biker jacket. Don't ask me how I know but I wouldn't put it past her to wear expensive designer clothes. She was the richest girl in school, also another reason people sucked up to her.

Reeda stood up following her wearing a tight black dress and heels. She looked like she was going to some formal party, not how you should dress for school. A few other girls followed them and I rolled my eyes. I noticed the teacher looking at me expectantly.

'what?' I blurted out and she shook her head sighing.

'your group just left'

'my group?'

'yes, I broke the class up into three groups. Now go'

I looked at Mathew for help but realised he was already walking behind Reeda and Missy's group. Great now I was in her group. I sighed jogging to catch up. I came around the corner and noticed they were all sitting down looking at us expectantly. Missy was nowhere in sight.

'Cory, I saved you a seat' Selena purred tapping the spot next to her. I looked at Mathew and he shrugged.

'sorry, I have no idea what are we doing' I stated looking at Reeda for help as I sit down next to Mathew not Selena. She pouted but her friend pulled her into a conversation.

'we're finishing off our worksheets' Reeda dangled the piece of paper in my face. I took it off her scanning over it. We had a worksheet?

'oh but why in groups?'

'do you even pay attention?' she grumbled snatching back the piece of paper. I rolled my eyes leaning back in the seat.

'Mathew, can you help me?' a voice asked behind us. We all turned to see Missy half around the corner smiling again.

'lifting?' Mathew asked and I knew where this was going. I glared at him.

'yep' she nodded her smile growing.

'sorry can't, pulled a muscle in football practise a couple of days ago'

I rolled my eyes turning back looking at the other girls scattered and talking to each other eagerly.

'well Cory?' Missy asked and I sighed looking at Mathew pained. He nudges me rolling his eyes. He was always said I was immature about the whole situation.

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