Chapter Thirteen - Words I never expected...

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AN: Wow, totally forgot I made a trailer for this book. 

Chapter thirteen – words I never expected...

The next day we were up and skiing and in no time I found myself genuinely excited to be with Missy. I watched her most of the day. Her laugh was so delicious and captivating it left me in a trance.

Watching her all happy and enjoying herself was nice. I have never seen her genuinely smile like that. She was usually such a guarded person and I just prayed I didn't stuff this shit up. I was still scared about what was going on.

Never did I ever dream to sleep with Missy Collins but it just happened and it felt so right. Any other girl and I just would have called it sex but Missy made it something more. Something better and it scared me a lot. Was this real? Did it even happen? Maybe I was having a dream that lasted forever.

I hoped not, I could feel myself falling into everything that was Missy. Wow did Cory Mason just say that? I gasped turning the corner to sharp and ended up falling. I heard a short squeal behind me before Missy came tumbling over me. I turned looking at her laughing.

'sorry' I told her and she rolled over throwing snow at me.

'really, Cory?! We've been taking that corner all day and now you decide to stuff it up? I was going so well!'

'I was thinking'

'don't think too hard' she mocked sitting up but didn't make an attempt to stand up. I sat up throwing her a smug look.


'so what were you thinking about?'


'oh really? And what exactly what were you thinking about me?'

'how much I prefer my view of you in front of me' I smirked dodging the flying snow. I laughed as she blushed mouth open.

'whatever, I'd prefer to see you face down in the snow' she challenged and I smirked.

'hmm but you wish you were pinned under me' I teased and blushed even more. I dodged the next bit of snow laughing.

'no way, you wish you were pinned under me' she commented and I smirked. Oh how I did...

'whatever suits you' I replied and she gasped, eyes going wide as she realised what she just said.

'I so did not mean that'

'really?' I asked and she shook her head.

'dead serious. I mean no offense...but I only just lost my virginity'

'man quiet the whore you are' I joked standing up.

'man slut'

'feisty bitch'

'commentated asshole'

'ignorant snob' I joked back and she pursed her lips.

'selfish prick' she replied almost laughing. Wow who thought calling each other names would even be a joke? But thankfully it was a joke...hopefully.

'diminutive slut'

'arrogant bastard'

'wow, never thought I say this but that was hot' I commented ending out streak. She laughed sinking into the soft snow a little. She fell forward and I quickly caught her, pulling her away from the soft snow.

'you do realise I'm going to have to kill you for saying that stuff' she warned and I smirked.

'alright double O seven'

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