Chapter Fourteen - My life isn't just about sex

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Chapter fourteen – my life isn't just about sex

'what?' I asked barely a whisper. My eyes were wide and I couldn't seem to look at him. I stared behind him, my heart racing a million miles.

'I'm so sorry...I just...I can't believe I just said that' he blurted looking worse than I did. I gulped sitting down on the couch before I fell.

'you take it back?' I gasped feeling the sudden pang of hurt. I looked up at him, my eyes big and my bottom lip shook a little.

'god no! I'd never take it back, Missy I've...I've never said that to anyone...' he dropped down onto the couch next to me taking my hand into both his.

'I...I don't know what to say...' I struggled giving him a panicked look.

'I'm sorry...I freaked you out didn't I?' he got up and walked away.

'hey don't leave me now' I told him standing up.

'I am so sorry...'

'will you stop apologising? It's really starting to annoy me' I said blinking my rage. He raised a brow turning to face me.

'are you yelling at me?' he asked looking behind me and avoiding my eyes.

'yes, you're an idiot' I grumbled folding my arms under my chest.

'I'm an idiot? What...where did this come from?' he frowned trying to figure me out.

'you just are...' I muttered after a moment's silence.

'what are you doing?'

'testing you...' I whispered feeling left down.

'about what? Missy you are making no sense'

'is it so hard to see someone fight for me, just anyone...I'm stuck in this stupid picture perfect life. You know my dad is rarely at home and my mother...I barely have enough time to talk to her and I have no one. My own family has better things to do and just once...just once I wanted to be fought for...'

'what do you want me to say? I didn't expect to see you here let alone feel something for know I'm scared-'

'of what?' I grumbled staring him down now, both of us dead set on eye contact.

' know, it scares me that when I'm around you all I want is to make you happy, to make everything better for you and...I didn't just have sex with you, Missy. It was more, it had to be'

'what?' I asked a little stunned he had actually fought. No one ever fought for me, aside my family and Reeda.

'who wouldn't fight for you? Look I know I've said how wrong I had been but I'm saying it again. Every guy should be on their knees for you and you need to stop worrying about others. Just do what you want and screw what anyone thinks. So what if they think you wear designer or not? I don't, neither should you'

'says the guy who hated me'

'I didn't hate you, I envied you. Missy you had everything'

'so do you. Your parents are rich and you have good friends'

'none of that matters to me'

'then what does? Right now, tell me what matters the most to you?'

'right now? It's you...Missy I just laid my heart on the line for you and I told you I love you'

'I know...' I whimpered watching him again.

'I get it, okay? I shouldn't-'

'oh for god's sake!' I yelled shoving him into the wall. He stumbled back and groaned.

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