Chapter Eight - Pick me up

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Chapter eight – pick me up

I woke when someone shook me. I opened my eyes full intent on growling at the person until I realised it was Cory. I blushed sitting up, yawning and stretching in the process.

'the others left two hours ago'

'why didn't they wake me? Why aren't you with them?'

'June told me to stay with you'

'oh...well who's showing them around?'

'your parents'

'they aren't much use'

'that's what June said' he answered and I giggled flopping back down on my pillows.

'so what did they tell you to do when I woke?'

'then never explained that so I guess...whatever we want'

'sounds interesting...'

'what do you want to do?'


'of course you do but no after that'

'well I know a hidden track up behind this house'

'hidden track?'

'no one knows about it'

'so why do you?'

'because my brother and I found it last year'

'oh nice...'

'but you do know I have to blind fold you right?' I told him and his face dropped.

Cory's POV

And she wasn't kidding. Here I was standing in the snow, holding my snowboard with a blindfold on. She giggled pulling on my hand making me move forward.

'is this really necessary?' I asked and she kept pulling me up a small hill.

'completely necessary. I don't want anyone else to know where it is'

'I'll find out eventually'

'no you won't'

'what makes you so sure?'

'this is me you're talking about Cory'

'right, cause that makes me even more scared'

'there's nothing to be scared of'

'except the fact that you could be leading me to my death right now' I muttered and she giggled pulling me more.

'now why would I do that?' she asked and I could almost hear the smirk in her voice. I rolled my eyes and continued on this horrible blindfolded journey.

Okay so it's not really that bad. I got to spend most of the twenty minute walk holding her hand, which was not gloved so even better. I kept smiling to myself most of the way there until we stopped and she let go. My stomach tightened in fear.

'what are you smiling for?' she asked, her voice much closer than I thought.

'oh you know how it is...' I muttered and I felt her cool hands on my cheeks moving upwards. I could feel her body closer than I thought she'd ever come to me. Just the thought of it was warming me.

'no I don't, do explain'


'complete and utter truth'

'I was smiling because of you'

'now why would you do that?' she asked her hands slowly dragging themselves through my hair to the knot of the blindfold.

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