Intro and the change

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A/n- this story is for ForgottenProxy. Thanks for your request for a Mother Nature/bunnymund story. Hope you enjoy. This story is also for my sister. She is Nox in this story. :)

My name is Laila Sahara Matia. Some know me as Mother Nature. I have a sister named nox Selina Matia and she is known as Mother Earth. Some people think we are the same person but we are not. This is my story about how one journey ended and another began.

The change
My sister and I held the hands of our twin cousins. We were on our way home from the market. The road we normal take was blocked so we cut through the forest. This wasn't the first time we have done this so we knew where we were going. We were trying to make it home before the storm started. Needless to say we weren't luck. It started to storm heavily and lightening struck a tree near us. The tree caught on fire. We picked up our cousins and started to run toward the river.

Me- where's the bridge?

Nox- It used to be right here the river destroyed it.

Me- look at that fallen tree. We can cross on that.

Nox- that's a bad idea. Haven't you watch any movie?

Me- it's the only way across.

Nox- we should go back to town.

Me- to far. Homes closer.

Nox- fine.

Me- you first.

Nox climbed onto the tree trunk and walked across she put down our cousin and waited for us to cross. I step onto the log and walked across. When I was a foot away from land the river roared and raised causing the log to move. The wind didn't help with my balance.

Me- nox caught.

I tossed our cousin and the last thing I saw was nox caught the child. The next thing I saw was a white light lifting me from the now calm river. The moons light. I couldn't remember anything. Just my name and that I had a sister. I walked around searching for my sister. She was standing by a tree in front of a house.

Me- Who's house is this?

Nox- I don't know.

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