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Nox hugs jack and I hug bunny.

Me- we did it. Bunny.

Bunny laughs and holds me. All eye turned to jack.

North- are you ready now, jack? to make it official?

Jack nods and bunny holds me to his side. As Atticus moved to bunnys shouler. Everyone starts to gather. The kids, the yetis, bunny's eggs, big and small, the elves, and us guardians.

North- then is time you take oath. will you, Jack Frost,...vow to watch over the children of the world? To guard them with your life, their hopes, their wishes, and their dreams? For they are that we have, all that we are and all that we will ever be.

Jack looks to Jamie, then back to north.

Jack- I will.

North- then congratulations, Jack Frost, for you are now and forevermore....a guardian.

Everyone cheers. I watch as an elf kiss an other one and it looked shocked then mad. It punched the one who kissed it. I cheer for jack as well. North's sleigh comes to us and an egg was in the way. An elf, that was colored like the eggs, grabbed it before it could get ran over. I pulled out my camera and took pictures of the elf and everyone. This was the best day ever. The kids all gather around north's sleigh. Bunny turns to north.

Bunny- everyone loves the sleigh.

North nods and turns to jack.

North- time to go.

Sandy did some fireworks. Bunny and I went over to Sophie. Bunny went down and gave her an egg.

Bunny- happy Easter ya little ankle-biter. I'm gonna miss yah.

Sophie- bye-bye bunnies.

Sophie pats bunny's nose and hugged me. Then waved at atti. Then we walked to the sleigh. I had tears in my eyes but i won't cry in front of children. No matter how much it hurts. We all get into the sleigh and take off. We wave to the kids.

Me- I'm gonna miss them a lot. I'm really gonna miss them. We can visit them right?

Bunny- yeah, we can.

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