400 years later

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Filler paragraph- Over the years there was an Incident with some gaint wolf and thats how we became guardians. Anyway bunny and i got married. I live with him in the warren. I still go out everyday to help Nox. Oh and we found out that we can shapeshift into any animal. I have a little baby boy named Atticus. He's like 10 years old now but he's still my little baby bunny. We like to tell him he's the guardian of the flowers. Over the years we meet Jack Frost the winter spirit. My sister Nox fell in love with him. They are married to.

Anyway, i was with Bunny and Atticus in the warren. Then i saw the Northern lights.

Me- Bunny, the lights.

Atticus jumped onto my back and we took off to the north pole. Bunny jumped from the hole first.

Bunny- come on its safe.

He grabbed my paws and pulled us out of the hole. Atticus snuggled further into my fur.

Bunny- ah, it's freezing. i can't feel my paws.

Me- come on the faster we get inside the faster we get warm.

We made our way to norths workshop. When we made it to norths shop, I looked around to see everything in an ok shape. Nothing seemed to be out of place. I saw sandy and tooth in the room. Then north burst into the room.

North- cookies, eggnog, anyone?

Sandy raise his hand and makes a picture of a cup. North hands sandy some eggnog.

Bunny- oh, this better be good north.

We all walk to North's globe room. Sandy makes a lot of picture on his head that are to fast for me to get.

North- i know, I know, but I obviously wouldn't have called you all here unless it was serious.

This caused me to listen closer.

North- the boogie man was here...at the pole.

Atticus- the boogie man?

Atticus held onto me tighter.

Tooth- pitch? Pitch black? Here?

North- yes there was black sand covering the globe.

Bunny- what, what,...what do you mean black sand?

North- and then a shadow.

I moved closer to bunny.

Bunny- hold on, hold on. I thought you said you saw pitch.

Bunny take Atticus off my back and holds him close.

North- well, ah, not exactly...

Bunny- not exactly? Can you believe this guy?

Bunny turns to sandy and sandy makes a question mark over his head.

Bunny- yea, you said it sandy.

Bunny handed me atticus and starts painting an egg.

North- look, he is up to something very bad. I feel it,..in my belly.

Bunny- hang on, hang on, you mean to say you summoned Leila and I here THREE DAYS BEFORE EASTER because of your belly? Mate, if I did this to you three days before Christmas....

North- please, bunny, Easter is not Christmas.

Bunny- here we go...

North takes bunny's egg.

Bunny- north, Leila and i don't have time for this. We still got two million eggs to finish.

North- no matter how much you paint is still egg.

he did not just say that. I walk over behind bunny.

Bunny- look, mate, i'm dealing with perishables. Right. You've got all year to prepare.

North- why are rabbits always so nervous?

Me- hey!

Bunny- and why are you always such a blowhard!

North- tooth! Can't you see we're trying to argue.

Tooth- sorry not all of us get to work one night a year. am I right, Leila, sandy?

Me- you got that right tooth.

Bunny- come on, mate, Pitch went out with the dark ages. We made sure of that remember?

North- i know it was him. We have serious situation.

Bunny- well, I've got a serious situation with some eggs.

Tooth- hey, I hate to interrupt the, "we work so hard once a year club" could we concentrate on the matter....

Tooth was cut short by sandy shaking an elf with a bell. Poor elf. We all turn to sandy and he pointed to the moon.

North- ah, man in moon sandy why didn't you say something?

Sandy looks mad. Then I realized he was trying to get our attention.

Me- sorry sandy.

He smiles at me.

North- it's been a long time old friend. What is big news?

Manny shows a dark shadow.

Me- pitch.

Bunny- it is pitch.

North- manny...what must we do?

The moonlight moves to a symbol on the floor and it raises out of the floor.

Tooth- ah, guys, you know what this means?

North- he's chosen another guardian.

Bunny- what?! why?!

North- must be big deal. Manny thinks we need help.

Me- hey. I wasn't a 'big deal' when I was chosen.

Bunny- yea you were and since when do we need help?

Tooth- i wonder who it's gonna be?

Sandy makes a four leaf clover.

Tooth- maybe a leprechaun?

Bunny- please not the groundhog, please not the groundhog.

Me- there is nothing wrong with a groundhog.

It makes a blue colored picture of Jack Frost.

Me- jack?

North- Jack Frost.

Bunny- ah, i take it back. The groundhog's fine.

I rolled my eyes at Bunny.

Tooth- well, ah, as long as he helps to ah,... To protect the children, right?

Bunny- Jack Frost he doesn't care about children. All he cares about is freezing water pipes and mess with my egg hunts. Right? He's an irresponsible, selfish....

North- guardian.

Bunny- Jack Frost is many things, but he is not a guardian.

Me- manny chose him he will be a guardian like us.

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