Pitch again

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We look to the window to see a nightmare.

Jack- Leila sandy come on we could find pitch.

Me- I don't think that's a good idea.

We fallow jack out the window. I changed human and out of bunny form. Eagle was the first thing I thought of so I changed into an eagle and we followed jack. We followed the nightmare and get rid of them. I follow sandy until we see jack and...pitch?! Sandy and I sneak up beside pitch. I changed back human. He turns to us and jumps sideways a bit. Pitch laughed and looked between sandy and I.

Pitch- now this is who I'm looking for....

Sandy attacks pitch.

Pitch- whoa...

Sandy throw pitch around and then off the roof. We flew down to him.

Jack- remind me not to get on your bad side.

Pitch- you can't blame me for trying sandy. You don't know what it's like to be weak and hated. It was stupid of me to mess with your dreams. So I'll tell you what. You can have them back.

Nightmare horses came from everywhere.

Jack- you take the ones on the left. And I'll take the ones on the right. Leila got the the middle?

Me- you sound so unsure Jack.

I pulled the daggers I had hidden.

Pitch- boo.

Then the horses came at us. The sleigh flys over us. Sandy gabs us and makes a dream cloud and flys into the air. He lets go of Jack. Then me. I quickly changed into a southern royal albatross. (Wingspan 9.5ft or 3m) it was one of the worlds latest birds. We fight. jack falls and lands on the sleigh. I heard bunny from where I was.

Bunny- ya might want to dunk.

I continue to fight until I get hit and land on the sleigh.

Bunny- Leila!

Me- I'm fine.

I watched as jack tried to fly after sandy and I watched as sandy was shot by pitch. Jack tried to go after him but it was too late.

Pitch- don't fight the fear little man. I'd say sweet dreams but their are none left.

North- sandy?

The nightmare horses went after Jack.

Nox- Jack.

She's changed and flew after him. Jack some how fought off all the horses with his snow. Then he fell from the sky. nox caught him and dropped him on the sleigh.

Nox- jack how did you do that?

Jack- I didnt know I could.

We went back to the North Pole and had a small funeral for sandy. I looked down and tears fell from my eyes.

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