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We stood looking at the globe.

Tooth- look how fast their going out.

Jack- it's fear. He's tipped the balance.

Bunny- hey, buck up ya sad-sacks. Come on! We can still turn this around. Easter is tomorrow and I need your help. I say we pull out all the stops and we get those little lights flickering again!

North laughs and walks away we all follow him to an elevator.

North- bunny is right. As much as It pains me to say old friend, this time Easter is more important than Christmas.

Bunny- hey! Did everyone hear that?!

North- we must hurry to the warren. Everyone to the sleigh!

Bunny-oh, no mate. My warren my rules. Buckle up.

I quickly take Atticus from Nox as bunny taps the ground and everyone falls into the hole except bunny and I. I laugh and jump in. Bunny fallows closely. Bunny and I jump over the guardians as they slide down the tunnel.

Me- now this is fun.

I laughed as bunny watched me smiling. Everyone fell out of the rabbit hole and onto the ground except bunny and I. I turned to everyone on the ground.

North- buckle up is very funny.

Bunny- welcome to the warren.

Bunny's ears twitch and he sniffs the air.

Bunny- something's up.

We all take out our weapons. Eggs ran from one of the tunnels. We all looked to see a little girl looking at us. We all hide our weapons. The child's name was Sophie. Sophie ran to North's elves and chased them around.

Sophie- elf, elf, elf.

She giggled at them.

Bunny- what is SHE doing HERE?

North checks his pockets.

North- oops. snow globe.

Me- nice north.

Bunny- crikey! Somebody do something.

Jack- don't look at me, I'm invisible, remember?

Nox- same for us.

Tooth- don't worry, bunny, I bet she's a fairy fan.

Tooth flys over to Sophie.

Tooth- it's ok little one.

Sophie- oh, pretty!

Tooth-aww! You know what, I got something for you. Here it is. Look at all the pretty teeth with little blood and gum on them.

Sophie looks scared and she screams and runs back to the eggs. the eggs were hiding under a stone egg.

Jack- blood and gums? When was the last time you guys actually hung out with kids?

North- we are very busy bringing joy to children! We don't have time...for children.

I raised my eyebrow at him.

Me- really north really?

Jack makes a snowflake and blows it at Sophie. Sophie tries to catch the snowflake.

Jack- if one little kid can ruin Easter then....we're in worse shape then i thought.

We walked into the room with the flowers that makes the eggs.

Bunny- you wanna paint some eggs? Yeah?

Sophie- ok.

Bunny- come on then.

We walked down to the eggs and watched as they fell from the flowers and onto the ground. The eggs follow bunny, Sophie, Atticus and I. North and jack's jaws are hanging open.

North- that's a lot of eggs.

Jack- uh, how much time do we have?

Bunny takes Sophie and puts her on his back.

Me- relax jack. We got this.

I ran after bunny with Atticus on my back.

Bunny- alright troops, it's time to push back. That means eggs! everywhere!

North stands on a rock over the eggs.

North- single file!

Bunny- heaps of you in every high-rise, farm house and trailer park!

We finally make it to the pond.

Bunny- in tennis shoes and cereal bowls!....oh, there will be bathtubs filled with my beautiful goodies.

I look up to see north holding an egg and watching its little legs kick.

North- that's a little strange.

Bunny- naw mate....

I look over to see Bunny letting eggs off of his arm.

Bunny- that's adorable.

After we had fun with the eggs. I found Bunny, he was sitting with jack and Sophie. I walked over and sat in between jack and bunny. Sophie was in bunny's lap. She's now tired.

Jack- not bad.

Bunny- not bad yourself.

Jack- look, I'm sorry about that whole kangaroo thing.

Bunny- it's the accent, it's not it?

Tooth sits in front of bunny.

Bunny- ah, poor little ankel-biter. Look at her, all tuckered out.

Tooth- i love her.

Tooth- i think it's time to get her home.

Jack- how about i take her home?

Tooth- jack. No! Pitch is...

Jack- no match for this.

Jack holds out his staff.

Bunny- which is why we need you here, with us.

Jack- trust me, I'll be quick as a bunny.

Jack left. After a few minutes i heard something. I snapped my head toward the tunnels. We ran toward them and drew my daggers. I slashed at the horses. They attacked me there was to many. I tried to fight them off but I couldn't. When all the eggs were destroyed the horses were gone.

Bunny- Leila.

Me- here bunny.

Bunny ran to me.

Bunny- the eggs...

Me- I know

Bunny- where's Atticus?

Me- Nox has him. They went with Jack.

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