Jack Frost

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Two yetis, Atticus, and I were waiting for bunny to get here with jack. When he did i walked over to bunny, who was leaning against the wall playing with his boomerang. Atticus followed behind me.

Bunny- hello, mate. been a long time. Blizzard of '68, I believe? Easter Sunday, wasn't it?

Jack- Leila, bunny? You're not still mad about that...are yah?

Bunny- yes, but this is something else. Fellas....

The two yetis came up behind jack and stuffed him into a sack. The yetis made a portal and turn to us.

Bunny- us? Not on your nelly. see you back at the pole.

Bunny taps his foot and a hole appears. I jump in and bunny follows with Atticus on his back. We got to the pole before the yetis did. Bunny leaned on a pole and pulled me to him. He put his arm around my waist. I just smiled at him. I watched as the yetis put down the sack that jack was in.

North- he's here.

Tooth talks fast to her little fairies.

North- quite.

Jack comes out and Nox walks over to him.

Jack- Nox?

She just smiles at him.

North-hey, there he is! Jack Frost!

Jack- wow you gotta be kidding me.

North- i hope the yetis treated you well?

Jack- oh, yea. I love being shoved into a sack and tossed through a magic portal.

North- oh, good! that was my idea. You know bunny and Leila, obviously.

Bunny looks mad and I'm just smiling at Jack. Jack smiles back at me. Bunny holds me tighter to him.

Jack- its been forever Leila.

Me- nice to see you Jack.

North- and little Atticus.

Jack- the little fur ball?

Me- yep. Thats my baby.

North- and the tooth fairy.

Tooth- hello, Jack. I've heard a lot about you. And your teeth.

Jack- my, my what?

Tooth- open up! Are they really as white as they say? Yes! Oh, they really do sparkle like freshly fallen snow.

Tooth and her fairies sorrowed jack.

Tooth- girls, pull yourselves together....let's not disgrace the uniform.

Tooth flys off a little and yaps to her fairies about teeth.

Jack- hey! Ho! Anyone wanna tell me why I'm here?

Sandy tries but is to fast for jack. I laughed again at sandy's failed attempt.

Jack- that's not really helping but thanks, little man. I musta done something really bad to get you five together......am I on the naughty list?

North laughs loudly.

North- on naughty list? You hold record! But no matter. We overlook. Now we are wiping clean the slate.

Jack- how come?

Bunny- ah, good question.

North- how come? I tell you how come! Because now..... You are guardian!

Music is heard from elves and the yetis light torches.

North- this is best part!

A yeti hands a big book to north. Jack slams his staff on the floor and a huge gust of cold wind hit us all. Atticus is in one of bunny's arms and I was in the other. i move closer for warmth. The music stops and the torches go out. When the wind is gone we all look at jack.

Jack- what makes you think I want to be a guardian?

North laughs but I know jack wasn't joking.

North- of course you do! Music!

The elves start playing music but jack interrupts.

Jack- no music.

I watch as an elf throws down its trumpet and pushes an elf with a tuba and it falls over, as the one who pushed it walks away angry. I thought that was kind of cute.

Jack- look, this is all very flattering, but ah,..you don't want me. You're all hard work and deadlines, and I'm all snowballs and fun times. I'm not a guardian.

Bunny- yeah, that's exactly what I said.

I hit bunny.

Tooth- jack...I don't think you understand what it is we do.....each of those lights is a child.

we all look up at the globe.

North- a child who believes. And good or bad, naughty or nice, we protect them. Tooth... fingers out of mouth.

Tooth was looking at jacks teeth.

Tooth- oh, sorry. They're beautiful.

North- ok no more wishy-washy! Pitch is out there doing who knows what!

Jack- you mean the boogeyman?

North- yes! When pitch threatens us, he threatens them as well.

North points to the globe were the lights are.

Jack- all the more reason to pick someone more qualified!

North- pick? You think we pick? No, you were chosen like we were all chosen. by man in moon.

Jack- what?

Tooth- last night, jack. He chose you.

Bunny- maybe.

Jack- the man in the moon, he talks to you?

North- you see, you can not say no. It is destiny.

Jack- but why, why wouldn't he tell me that himself? After 300 years this is his answer? To spend eternity like you guys cooped up in some, some hideout thinking of, of new ways to bribe kids? No no, that's not for me. No offense.

Me- jack.

Jack turns to leave and I feel bunny let go of me. He handed me Atticus.

Bunny- how is that not offensive?...you know what I think? I think we just dodged a bullet. I mean, what's this clown know about bringing joy to children?

Me- bunny!

Jack turns back to us.

Jack- uh, you ever heard of a snow day? I know it's no hard boiled egg, but kids like what I do.

Nox- Jack.

Bunny walks over to him and now they are only about a few feet away from each other.

Bunny- but none of 'em believe in you. Do they? You see, you're invisible, mate. It's like you don't exist.

I know that wasn't toward me but that hurt.

Tooth- bunny! Enough!

Jack- no the kangaroo's right.

Bunny- the, the what....what'd you call me? I am not a kangaroo, mate.

Jack- and this whole time i thought you were. If you're not a kangaroo, what are you?

Bunny- I'm a bunny. The Easter bunny. People believe in me.

North- jack. Walk with me.

Jack walks off with north and bunny turns back to me. He takes Atticus and I into his arms. I heard Tooth gasp.

Nox- what's wrong?

Tooth- Pitch Is at my palace.

Tooth flew off and we ran to norths office. We burst in.

Bunny- we have a problem, mate. Trouble at the tooth palace.

North- to the sleigh.

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