chapter one

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Hi my names Beth, im a horse shifter, my horse side is called Tallaugh. I don't live with my family i left to try and live my life better but now im alone with a herd that hates me.

Start of my story and the life that is yet to start.

I walk down to the lake with the crystal clear water shining against the sun,I lean down to take a gulp of water, the herd had left me for dead so i was by myself woohoo, i look across the water and see a man staring at me i look at my reflectionit was a horse my horse "run now please!" Tallaugh yelled in my head, i nodded and reared up and raced off towards the woods.

I stop to catch my breath with heaving sides i look between the trees to see the man walking towards me "what does he want?" Tallaugh fights to take control "I don't know but stop trying to take control "i argue, standing firm watching him . His hair flowing in the wind so brown like the mountains, he suddenly looks at me with sturn black eyes. I take a step back he takes one forward "its ok" he coos putting his hand out, i walk forward "what are u doing hes gonne rope us and take us home!" She screams in my head, I put my nose in his hand "there" he smile "now how did such a pretty horse end up here?"
I shake my head walking off "you felt that right?" Tallaugh asks, i nod "that can't be right hes human." I turn my head to see him there watching, i turn round and walk to him, he smile "come on then we can go to mine"i nod walking behind him as i follow "oh my name is David" he smile "and i think I'll call you amber".
  We walk in silence, i sniff the air and smell Deer? I stop in my tracks David looks at me "its ok its my sent this is silly im a shifter a deer shifter" he smiles walking into a lane with a house and barn, "hey hes back!" Someone yells from the house, I look up and snort walking on David leads me to a stall and shuts the door "I'll come see u in a bit ok?"  I nod looking round the pen and drinking some water. David walks to the house and i fall asleep in the stall listening to everything around me.

Hi guys new story hope you like it

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