Chapter 13

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One month later

*Beth's POV*

I sit on my desk in the bedroom, going through files on some wolves, its been nice not being on alert for those rogues.most of my bruises had gone and cuts had healed up nicely. There was one on my tummy the bruise if anything had grown I tryed asking Tallaugh why it wasnt gone yet but she didnt answer....something feels wrong and I cant fingue out what it is...

I move down stairs to the office feeling stress and...sadness? coming from the room. I pause before knocking on the  door, "come in" he murmurs, I push the door shutting it behind me,the office was a mess files,papers everywhere a smashed cup in a corner, I look at my mate hunched over by the desk "John whats wrong...?" his head snaps up from the desk before he stands in front of me, I stare at him before he moves my hair from neck showing the mark it had healed now and was a pattern, I didnt look at it the time it formed.

Suddenly his eyes went from dark brown to a light brown as  smile appears on his face "what??" I ask.

"Has your tummy got a bruise on it?" I nod, looking confused "and your wolfs been quiet yes?" I nod again, shocked how he knew this when I didn't tell him,suddenly he hugs me,I breath in his woody sent,he whispers in my ear "we should go see the doctor" I just nod taking his hand and following him to the ward, he tells the doctor something I couldnt tell but the doctor nods smiling at me.

"If you'd lay on the bed please, Luna" I just nod laying on the bed watching everything he does, John leans on the door watching too. The doctor lifts my top up looking at my tummy "I'm gonna touch places on your tummy if it hurts say" he smiles slowly touching places on my tummy and they dont hurt. Then he touches the top of my tummy "GET YOUR  FILTHY HANDS OFF MY TUMMY!!" Tallaugh growls out scaring both the doctor and John.

"Sorry Tallaugh may we have Beth back please" he chuckles taking his hands off my tummy as Tallaugh gives my control.

"Sorry doc shes been quiet for ages"

"Its fine. I think I know why" he smiles. shooing John out the room and shutting the door and smiling at me "I believe youre pregnant. Luna congratulation." He grins. My jaw drops with the news.

"Your joking!" I laugh,  but he shakes his head. "I was in the war when I was pregnant....would Tallaugh be keeping the cub safe is that why the bruise is there?" I ask, and he nods smiling.

"Now have a good day Luna"he smiles opening the door. John must have gone back to the house as he wasnt there,I plod back to the house smiling I was gonna be a!

I pushed the door open to see Paint grinning before she hugs me gently before taking her seat on the sofa watching a film, I think it was the secrets of moonacres, babies! I walk into the bedroom and fall backwards onto the blue sheets were so soft.the door clicked to see John walking towards me smiling "so?" he asked sitting next to me.

"I'm pregnant" I grin hugging him.He hugs me back smiling so hard before leaning back and moving his hand to my tummy gently pressing against it.

"Im gonna be a dad to an amazing cub!"he grins kissing my cheek."Can my wolf feel it?" he asks I nod watching him shift quickly, he lay next to me nexting his head on my lap pressing his head against my tummy gently. a pur slips his mouth. I giggle running my hands down his fur as my eyes slowly shut and I fall asleep with a face full of is good....

Hey guys! sorry for the short chapter hope you enjoyed.rember to vote,  share and comment

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