Chapter 6

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I woke up shivering so much, it had snowed a lot, there was I layer of snow on my body as I opened my eyes, I sigh standing up and shaking off the snow and looking round at the white land that was made in one night, I looked at the stream which had a small layer of ice on top.

I start walking slowly back to the house, I heard yelling sounded like David and tammy I stood still before running to the front yard in font of the house and stood by Tammy's side "what's going on?" I whispered to her, she stares at David a while before answering me "he says he told you to stay with the herd but he did not say it  out load" I nod looking down before looking at David his skin had red blotches, his clothes were the same as the day before "somethings wrong with him, he's not himself" I say walking up to David "what happened to you?" but no reply I looked at my wrist with the bracelet on. I pulled a crystal off it and put it against his arm it glowed brightly "sugar...he's been poisoned into mine control to tell the wrong things" I murmur looking at Tammy, who's mouth had dropped "but who would do that? deer's are peaceful and don't have enemy's" I shrugged  "help me move him into an empty stall and ill try and get rid of the poison but I cant have any distractions"  she nods, taking hold of David's arm and walking him to the stall and closing the door and taking everyone into the house. 

I took a deep breath unclipping the clasp in the bracelet and laying it on the ground "right lets try this and hope" I breath placing my hands over his arms and close my eyes as I feel my hair floating round me, I hum softly feeling the magic flow through me.

David's point of view

I was walking round a quiet part of the land when I felt a sting in my arms like a bee sting, I brushed my arm and carried on walking back to the house my head was pounding with every movement, I looked round the house for Beth but she wasn't there I felt anger rise inside for no reason. I stormed out the house slamming the door as I left as I saw Tammy" where's Beth?" I yelled  at her opening the truck door "she went for a walk into town I think David" she said bowing her head in respect of me, I bow back before getting in and speeding off to town.

I got out after parking up, looking round, I spotted her in the café drinking water before turning her head and eating an apple, I walked into the café and stood in front of her table and shouted at her which I never would do. she replied and then stood up and walked out the door and stopped and watched the snow falling for a bit before walking on.

Beth's point of view

it was half an hour later, I stopped and opened my eyes to see David eyes shut and the redness was going slowly, I knelt back on my feet taking breathes before putting the bracelet on and left the stall and go into the house and rest by the fire with a book from my bag, Tammy came down the stairs " did it go? is he better?" I looked up and smiled" I think I did but only time will tell but for now I should stay in a hotel" standing up and putting my bag on my back as we walk out to the truck and drive to a hotel called the swan inn, I booked in and took the key and got settled into my room.

I waved Tammy off as she headed back to the house, I fell back onto the bed and put music on and read on, falling asleep after awhile of reading.

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