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" We ARE lost" Eleanor argued throwing down the map in exasperation. Louis shook his head angrily and looked intently at the road ahead, trying to figure out where they were.

" Babe trust me Tommo knows the way" Louis reassured confidently passing yet another street sign he had never heard of.

" Tommo might want to invest in a Sat Nav" She muttered under her breath staring out the window at the unfamiliar scenery.

Tour had finished a week ago and to celebrate the entire family had been invited out to a big meal, all of the Tomlinson's and Calder's would be there and it seemed the only people who wouldn't be there were Louis and Eleanor.

" Let's just stop and ask for directions" Eleanor pleaded looking out for people who looked as if they knew were they were, unlike them.

Grudgingly Louis stopped the car and rolled the window down looking out for any sign of life to ask directions to.

Eventually after what seemed like an eternity an old married couple walked passed the car, turning on the charm Louis politely asked for directions. After being told they were going the completely wrong way to where they wanted to go they were soon pointed in the right direction.

Eleanor desperately tried to supress a giggle as Louis rolled up the window again, clearly embarrassed.

" So.. Tommo knows the way does he?" Then she burst into hysterical laughter which even had Louis crack a smile and giggle slightly.

After finally arriving at the restaurant ten minutes late they were reunited with their families who had been getting slightly annoyed at their lateness.

Walking straight over to his mum Louis gave her a big kiss and recanted why they were late, editing the part where he had insisted they weren't lost. Johanna looked over to Eleanor with a detection of a smirk guessing Louis wasn't telling her the whole story. Eleanor shrugged and turned her attention to her mum who fussed over her, demanding to know how much sleep she was getting and that she was eating well. She reassured her mum she was fine and instead swiftly changed subject by asking her about all the gossip she had missed.

During the course of the meal Louis kept sneaking glances at Eleanor across the table as he talked to his family just to remind her he hadn't forgotten about her, one of the many things she loved about him.

After they had eaten their food and caught up with everything they had missed it was time to say goodbye. It was torture for Louis ripping himself away from the family he missed dearly but they had to leave and he promised to see them again soon.

After everyone had left Louis and Eleanor strolled hand in hand through the quiet streets as the dark settled in. Seeing a cut through a  fence big enough to fit two people though Louis grabbed Eleanor, eager to explore. After wresting through branches and plants they finally managed to find themselves in a narrow pathway leading to a small bench surrounded by freshly planted flowers.

Sitting down beside Louis Eleanor snuggled up to him locking his fingers in hers, the way their hands fit into each others perfectly made Eleanor even more certain it was a sign of true love.

" I love you" Louis suddenly said, breaking the peaceful silence they had previously adopted.

" I love you too" Eleanor replied breezily counting each star in the sky pretending they were precious diamonds, a game she had played as a child with her mum.

" No, I REALLY love you" Louis persisted kissing her, first gently but getting more and more passionate as it progressed. The moonlight gave her just enough light to see his warm kind eyes she loved starring into, the way she got lost in them and the way his eyes could say a thousand words made her heart beat faster.

" Let's go" He murmured taking her hand in his, caressing her knuckles. She was only too happy to oblige.  

The darkness had passed them by and as if like magic it was now pitch black with nothing to guide them except the romantic light of Eleanor's IPhone.

Then Louis's hand fell apart from hers. His shriek then the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. Panicked she called out his name repeatedly her voice becoming more and more high pitched with worry.

Her heart began beating again when she could vaguely hear his distinct laugh.

" Where are you?" She called out, frantically searching the bushes for him and even lifting up rocks in the off chance he had fallen underneath one.

" Down here!" He called out, everything clicked into place when she used the light from her phone to see a giant hole in the ground with a Caution! sign beside it. Without hesitation she jumped falling into Louis' strong arms. She traced over his face with her fingers and kissed him with relief.

" Not exactly what I'd planned but this could work too" Louis joked lying down on the hard ground, Eleanor joined him   both bursting into peels of laugher. Clasping hands they cuddled up next to each other as they went over the events of the day up to the moment Louis had fallen into the hole. It wasn't what many would consider romantic but to them, it was perfect.

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