Going It Alone.

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She knew something wasn't right the moment Louis walked into her flat, throwing down his suitcase in irritation and storming into the living room without bothering to say hello.

" Is everything alright?" Eleanor asked suddenly alarmed by the change in Louis. He shook his head angrily, slumping down on the sofa he buried his face in his hands.

" Louis talk to me" She pleaded sitting down beside him holding his hand in hers.

He gently eased his other hand away from his face and looked at her, his smile forced and his eyes showing he had been told something he didn't want to hear.

" You know I love you El  don't you?" He asked flickers of anticipation washing across his face making Eleanor even more worried for him and what he had to say.

" Of course I do!" She reassured hoping that would be the end of it but deep down knowing it wasn't, far from it.

Rubbing her back comfortingly he pulled in closer to her, dreading to see the hurt in her eyes after he had told her.

" I have to go away" He managed to say as the tears began forming in his eyes.

Coldness gripped Eleanor, if Louis was this upset she knew it was going to be for longer than ever before. She had to know but she hated having to say the words, not saying it somehow made it seem as if it wasn't happening.

" How long for?" She mustered preparing herself for the blow to come.

" A year"

She pulled back from him violently, the words hitting her like a powerful punch. Wrapping her arms around herself she tried to think of spending a year without Louis, the thought of it resulting in tears.

" I can come with you" She begged throwing her self control out of the window, the tears falling heavily down her face.

He shook his head again putting his hand on her knee, looking deep into her eyes as he tried to stay strong for her.

" You can't come with me, you can't leave everything behind for me I wont let you. You have your uni, friends and family. If I let you come with me I'd hate myself for tearing you away from everything you have" He gestured  at the various photos of her with her friends and family dotted around the room.

" I can't go it alone without you" She wept feeling her world crumble beneath her.

" You think I want to leave you? you're the first girl I've ever felt this way about. I love you Eleanor I always will. This has been the hardest decision I've ever had to make but as much as it hurts its the right one"

" Six months. That's all we've had together and now just like that it's over" She continued staring off into the distance the icy tone in her voice hurting Louis even more.

" It's been the best six months of my life" He assured pacing back and forth around the room, millions of thoughts racing through his head all at once.

She looked up at him, her tear stained face something would haunt him as he went on tour for a year, travelling the world singing and living the dream without her.

" Well I hope you have a good time" She spat back bitterly standing up and pointing him towards the door. She knew she was being selfish, she couldn't stop him from living his dream but why did it have to come at the cost of breaking her heart?

" El" He pleaded gently trying to reach out her but she turned away from him hiding her face as more tears began falling.

" I don't want it end like this" He cried grabbing her shoulders forcing her to face him.

" But you DO want it to end, if you really cared you'd go now and make it easier, you at owe me at least that much" She said firmly trying to memorise each feature on his face before he left for good. Trying to maintain herself and not burst into tears was difficult, making it worse by the fact Louis stood staring at her frozen. Then finally turning away he slowly began to walk to the front door keeping his back to her the entire time, dragging his suitcase along with him.

She wished nothing more to than to lunge at him and kiss him, hold him and tell him she loved him but they were saying goodbye and there was nothing she could do about it.

As he opened the door he only turned to her once as  half his body already outside

" If you haven't moved on and forgotten about me when I come back just know that I'll be waiting for you" He said softly closing the door behind him for what would be the last time.

His words lingered in her mind long after he had left, collapsing on the stairs she wept letting it all go. Talisha, her flatmate who had hid in her room as Louis and Eleanor had said their tearful goodbyes now made a welcoming reappearance. Putting her arm around her she dried away her tears

" It wont hurt forever you know, it does get better" she cooed leaning her head on her shoulder.

" But for now all I have is a broken heart" Eleanor replied sadly feeling her heart beginning to break as she looked at the door where Louis had left just moments before. Why couldn't love be easy?

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