The Awards

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" You look gorgeous" Louis complimented kissing Eleanor on the cheek being careful not to mess up her freshly applied make up.

Linking her arm in his she followed him as he confidently lead her to her designated seat, directly behind his.

Reading the names on the seats Eleanor was stunned to learn she would be sitting so close to the likes of Rihanna, Kesha and Nicki Minaj.

Sitting down she slowly  slid her hand in between the seat to hold Louis' hand without being seen by the photographers who were dotted around eager to get a picture. Sat next to her was Danielle who seemed  preoccupied with Liam's hair, brushing it through her fingers and patting it down firmly.

" Good luck babe you'll smash it" Eleanor whispered to Louis as the lights dimed down, signalling the start of the show.

The show dragged on as Eleanor anxiously awaited for the best music video category, One Direction had been nominated for best song ever and she was certain they would win. They were up against The Wanted and a new boyband Union J though she was still confident One Direction would win.

Then finally the moment they had been waiting for arrived as Brittney Spears took the stage clutching the golden envelope in between her manicured fingers. She gave Louis a reassuring squeeze as Brittney began reading out first the nominations then pausing before announcing the winner.

" One Direction!"

The room erupted into mass applause as the cameras panned in on the elated boys who immediately jumped up hugging each other with relief.

Eleanor threw her hands up to her face, tears welling behind her eyes as she watched the boys accept their award pride washing over her.

Danielle looked over to her both filled with immense happiness and pride in their boyfriends.

Louis watched her from the stage  and kept his gaze on her as he made his way back to his seat, the moment had been perfect and he was glad Eleanor was there to share it with him. The rest of the awards passed by in the blur for Eleanor who beamed with pride blocking out everything else around her.

Mingling through the crowd of familiar celebrity faces Eleanor hoped she wouldn't look out of place, she tugged anxiously at the dress she had borrowed from her flatmate Talisha now having second thoughts about it comparing it to the Prada and Gucci gowns every female in the room elegantly adorned.

Louis had been whizzed off with the lads for interviews and photos leaving her to navigate her way through the celebrity filled after party by herself. Scanning the crowds she searched for Danielle but it was virtually impossible to see anyone through the throng of people. She watched star stuck as Beyoncé and Jay Z casually walked past her. She longed for nothing more than to stay and star spot but she had a flight to catch back to England for her exams. She willed Louis to hurry up so she could say goodbye to him before leaving for the airport. Each tick of the clock filled her with more nerves as he still hadn't finished.

Then Louis appeared taking her by the hand looking for an exit.

She barely had time to congratulate him before he rushed her off to the awaiting car to the airport. Her suitcase was ready and waiting for her as they drove at break neck speed to LA airport.

They raced through the intervals leaving just enough time for a quick last minute goodbye, Louis had promotional work to do in LA so wouldn't be returning to England with her much to his dismay.

" I'll miss you" He muttered holding her close to him burrowing his face into her neck like a little child.

They held each other until it was announced her flight would be leaving soon, he smirked wiping away his tears as he watched her walk away still wearing her dress and high heels looking extremely out of place.

She turned to him and blew him one last kiss before walking away from him to board her flight. As soon as he was out of sight she began missing him. Being away from him felt like she was missing a piece of her, as she took her seat on the plane she began counting down the days until she could be with him again.

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