Man Of The Match

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Taking each twin gently by the hand Eleanor guided them their private box where Johanna waited anxiously for them. The bright green football pitch sparked excitement in the girls as Louis would be playing in just a few short minutes.

" That's where Louis is going to play" Eleanor pointed out to the twins crouching down to their level, in response both gave out a  squeal in excitement .

Quickly making sure their coats were zipped up she hurried over to Johanna after hearing an announcement the game would be starting soon and for everyone to take their seats. Johanna embraced the twins as they threw themselves at her, they would have had a hard time getting lost in their matching neon pink winter coats.

Eleanor pulled her coat tighter around her  still leaving enough room for TOMLINSON displayed proudly on her shirt to be seen

The players spilled out onto the pitch each looking identical and running around widely making it impossible to see Louis.

" LOUIS!" She called out scanning the players to see who had reacted.

Louis turned around beaming at her, waving frantically to them then running off to re-join the players who had been grouped together.

The game began with  Louis getting the first kick of the ball for his team and eventually scoring the winning goal, making him man of the match much to Eleanor's delight who hadn't stopped cheering for Louis since the game had started.

He emerged sweating and out of breath but still managed a smile giving Eleanor a quick hug then turning his attention to the twins who had made a GOOD LUCK LOUIS! banner both cluching on to each end, fiercely protective of their master peace.  

Louis had been away a month without seeing Eleanor so when  a celebrity football match came to Manchester and he was invited to play he didn't hesitate to send her tickets.

As the players filed out back to the changing rooms Louis stayed behind with Eleanor and his family, chatting excitedly to them about the game and insisting on taking them out to dinner.

Eager to give them some privacy Johanna took the twins in search for ice cream leaving Louis free to wander onto the pitch, his arm draped around Eleanor's shoulders.

" Man of the match" Eleanor teased giving him a gentle prod in the side as they sat down under the goal post. The ground was cold but neither cared.

" I've missed you babe" Louis soothed leaning in to kiss her, opening her eyes briefly Eleanor was shocked to see several grown men pointing cameras directly at them. Abruptly tearing apart she gestured in the direction of the cameras to Louis, who looked confused and hurt at her rejection.

Glaring at the men Louis stood up much to Eleanor's protests and walked to them angrily. Following closely behind Eleanor continued begging Louis to drop it and leave but he ignored her and continued on his way.

" Can you leave me and my girlfriend alone? I've done my pictures you need to leave!" Louis ordered closely followed by Eleanor who stayed behind extremely embarrassed.

" Look mate just a few pictures of you and your bird and we're gone alright?" The photographer said casually, his thick Northern accent making it hard to fully distinguish what he was saying.

Louis shook his head angrily standing nose to nose with the photographer, Eleanor tried pulling him away but he was too strong and remained rooted at the spot.

" Go. Now." He demanded.

" Fine then" The photographers slowly backed away still holding their cameras tightly poisonous looks etched on their faces.

Finding a table far back Johanna guided the twins to their seats while also grabbing an armful of crayons and colouring paper. Louis and Eleanor ordered their food while Johanna organised, the entire trip seemed like a military mission. The family friendly atmosphere of McDonalds seemed like the perfect place for a family meal.

Sitting the tray down everyone began to eat, watching her son and Eleanor she had a good feeling deep down that Louis had found his special someone. Louis had never been so taken with anyone before and she hoped he could keep her. The way he looked at her made her sad but proud at the same time, her baby boy was growing up and falling in love. Louis had left X Factor a boy and the Louis sat in front of her was a man, she couldn't have been prouder.

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