>>Chapter 1<<

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Bright sunlight pierced through my eyelids, forcing me awake. At first I forgot where I was. But when I tried to stand, a wave of pain crashed into my body and I remembered. Below me my foot lay mangled and I could feel blood trickle down my forehead. My eyes flickered across the room, and I noticed a new set of deep scratches on the already marred floor. The click of a door being unlocked caught my attention, and my mom rushed in. Silent tears fell from my eyes as the pain from my self inflicted wounds almost made me pass out. Wand in hand, my mom began healing me.

After 6 years since of this happening, my mom became a pretty good healer. The magic stitched together the muscle and skin, and I silently prayed no mark would be left. But like every month, some new scars joined my collection. Scars that would never heal

Most days I spent my time alone. My dad, a muggle worked at a veterinary office and my mom, a witch was something like a magical veterinarian. We currently live in a cabin somewhere in Ireland, we were always moving because of my condition. There were no people for miles. All I could do was read or explore woods near our home, so I chose the later to relieve my boredom.

The sunlight flickered through the foliage and fog as I strolled up the path. The further I got from home, the thicker the mist became, and without its warmth I regretted not bringing my knitted jumper. I was about to start back home when a mournful cry made me jump in surprise. I stood still listening to the cry. I reached into a small bag I brought and pulled out a copy of "Fantastic beasts and where to find them". Flipping through the pages I searched for what could be making the noise.

Then I came upon what I believed was the creature. "The Augurey has a distinctive low and throbbing cry" I read to myself. It is also native to Ireland, I thought to myself excitedly as I started towards the bramble bush where the sound had came from.

Although the thorns  scratched my skin, I was determined to find the animals. After a few minutes of painful searching, I finally came upon a dark green bird. It was an Augurey! I observed the creature but was alarmed when I caught sight of a dark red matting on the feathers of its wing. I carefully reached for the small bird, avoiding it's injured wing. I held the small mystical creature in my hand. Ignoring the cold, I took off my light jacket and wrapped it around the birds eyes is to calm it down. Excited and worried,  I ran home with the bird.


When I arrived home I helped the Augurey into a birdcage my parents had a lying around. With the cage in one hand I grabbed a handful of flu powder in my other, and walked into the fireplace. I stood in front of the fireplace and spoke out my mothers work. I held the birdcage close as he colors began.

A dizzying mass of colors swirled around me and the bird began squawking in annoyance. The sensation finally stopped and I tumbled out of an unfamiliar fireplace. I appeared to be in the living room of a house. My sudden appearance seemed to have startled a boy around my age, as he lay on the ground surrounded by a pile of books.

"Oh Merlin! I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed, rushing over to help him back up.

"Trouble with the floo network?" He questioned, picking up the fallen books.

"Um....yeah, I was attempting to go to my moms magical veterinary office.  I found this bird in the woods and it seems to have broken it's wing. Must have misspoken..."

"Haha! I do that all the time. Want some help with the bird?" The boy asked. His British accent flowed through my ears.

"Won't your parents miss you?"

"Don't worry, I'm home alone. I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Remus, Remus Lupin and you are?"

"Nice to meet you. I'm Farren Lawell." He finished placing the book and stood up. He held his hand out and shook my hand.

" It's nice to meet you as well Farren." Remus and I both walked into the fireplace. " Go ahead." He motioned towards it. I spoke the name of my mums office as clearly as possible. For the second time that day, I was swept threw the floo network. No matter how many times I'd done that, it never got any less sickening.

Thankfully, I spoke clearly this time, and we were in my moms veterinary office. She was currently mending the paw of a cinnamon colored Kneazle. It waved it's tail in annoyance, but kept quiet. When it noticed us, it automatically piped up and began purring. I always have this effect on animals, must be the beast inside that they sense.

"Mom I found an injured Augurey and I think it has broken it's wing!"

She looked up from her work and marveled at the bird. Because of their bad reputation of supposedly killing witches and wizards with their cry, many don't go looking for these creatures. I bet my mom had never seen one before, and neither had I.

When she was done with the Kneazle, she automatically put Remus and I to work. If there's an animal in need, my mom often forgets formalities, like introducing herself or simply saying hi.

She gently lifted the Augurey from the cage and over to a sink. Remus turned on the water and removed my jacket from the birds eyes. Meanwhile, I began gently scrubbing the birds feathers with soap. Slowly, I massaged the feathers and removed the grit. Once I had cleaned up to the wing with the wound, I asked Remus to hold the bird down. Not that I couldn't do it myself, I just had more experience with cleaning wounds.

Soon the wound was clean and my mom could X-ray the Augureys wing too see if I was right about the bones being broken. Even though she has magic, my mum likes doing things the old fashioned way. She liked being able to save a life the muggle way, but if the animal had already lost a lot of blood or was in a really bad shape, she would use magic.

Under the X-ray, we soon discover that the bird had reopened a wound from a past fracture in her wing. I was very glad she was ok, because I was already getting attached to her. I looked up to see my moms knowing face. She knew that I always got attached to animals I helped rescue or stitch up.

"Hey Farren sweetie, why don't you bring your friend home, I bet his parents are worried".

I nodded in agreement and looked to Remus.

"Goodbye Mrs. Lawell, I think what you do is cool." He said.

"Goodbye, thanks for the help!" And with that, we were gone.

Hey guys! Fantasy here, hope you enjoyed the new spin on my story! I'll try to update again soon! Also I'm going to be changing the title of the story because it's a but misleading, as I'm not writing in diary form. Plus I plan on getting a new cover, so PM me if any of you awesome people make covers. Have a good day, and remember to Smile!

Ps: I think I have a fever or a cold or something. So there is a possibility that I might update again today.

The Moons Imperfections {Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now