>>Chapter 3<<

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I stepped into Magical Menagerie and was immediately met with the musty smell of way to many animals in one room. It was quite dark, only illuminated by a small window and an old light on the ceiling. Cages of all kinds of animals lined the walls, filling up almost all of the room, making it quite cramped. My dad was gawking and pointing like a little kid, even though he had seen magical creatures before.

In one of the cages were a bunch of puffskeins, cooing happily and starring up at us through big curious. In a tank was a huge tortoise with a beautiful shell adorned with glittering gems.

Many other creatures filled the cages, including rats that skipped over their tails, a giant purple toad and a silky white rabbit that changed at will into a black hat like in muggle magic tricks. But what really caught my attention was the sheer multitude of cats.

There were cats of all sizes, fur colors, and breeds. Some had long smooth fur while others had no fur at all. There were a few cinnamon colored Kneazles, some half Kneazles and other normal cats.

Seeing a smile on my face, my parents brought me over to the cats. In a padded enclosure in the back, was a mother Kneazle. She stared up at us with firry jade green eyes that held my gaze unblinking. It was as if she was challenging me, as if she was saying "don't you dare hurt my babies".

Slowly, she moved her fluffy tail to reveal three 8 month old kittens . One was a creamy color. Another was ginger and the last one was rusty red. The red one slowly opened his eyes, and let out the biggest yawn I had ever seen.

I giggled as he began to scamper his way towards me. Once he had reached my lap, he curled up content. His fur was extremely soft under my hand. It sort of tickled, but I could pet him all day if I had the choice. He would be the perfect lap cat for when I read.

"Can I keep him?!" I begged, using my puppy dog- or I guess wolf eyes...

My parents looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes you may sweetie!"

I squealed in delight and picked up my new kitten. "I'm going to name you.... Aslan, after an amazing lion from an amazing book!"

We paid for the kitten and got him a cage, water/food bowls and kitty litter. Then we walked back to The Leaky Caldron.

I grabbed onto my moms hand while my dad grabbed her other. Then we apperated home. My body felt like it was being stretched and pulled in all directions, but nothing more painful then my transformations.

Once home I grabbed Aslan and brought him up to my room. With a good book in hand and a new lap-warmer, I drifted off into another reality.......

Over the next week, I spent almost all my time with my new cat. He was quite the adventurous fellow, exploring every inch of my house.

At one point, he stepped into my dads shoe and got stuck. He looked so incredibly confused, letting out meows of distress. I had scooped him up, only to find him back in the same place a day later. Aslan was quite the character, always wanting to explore. Soon he had already mapped out the house, and was eager to discover the great outdoors.

So one day I grabbed my hiking bag, a jacket and we were off. As I already knew most of the paths in the nearby forest, I let Aslan take the lead.

The mist seemed to tickle his whiskers as he kept scrunching up his face, and even batted at it with his paw.

He continued through the forest, stopping every few minutes to sniff something, seemingly dazzled by all the colors and sounds. I giggled multiple times from his actions.

The Moons Imperfections {Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now