>>Chapter 5<<

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The night before leaving for Hogwarts, I lay awake in my bed. Nerves and excitement were playing keep away with my ability to sleep. I tossed and turned, before finally giving up.

I maneuvered myself around a sleeping Aslan and sleepily picked up my glasses, before making my way towards the window. Brona was perched on the windowsill, her eyes scanning the dark landscape beyond. I reached out and stroked her feathers, and with each pet my nerves became momentarily forgotten.

"You and Aslan are coming with me to Hogwarts tomorrow. Dumbledore made an exception for you. I understand if you don't want to stay in the owlery once we arrive. I bet we could find a nice tree for you to nest in." I murmured.

Brona cooed softly, before settling down and tucking her head behind her wing.

It seemed that everyone in the house was asleep except me, and the silence led me to become lost in my thoughts.

Once I arrived, I planned to keep a low profile. I didn't want to appear antisocial, but at the same time I didn't want to attract too much attention to myself.

I then began to wonder about what house I would be in. Personally I thought that I had qualities of most of the houses. I had been told I was brave by my parents , so Gryffindor was a possibility. I thought of myself as loyal, even if I hadn't had friends to be loyal to, so Hufflepuff could be a good fit. But I also considered myself to be intelligent I guess, so maybe Ravenclaw. With Slytherin on the other hand, I didn't share many qualities. I wasn't very cunning or ambitious, but I guess I was resourceful.

The tick of my clock striking 1 in the morning shook me from my thoughts, and I quickly climbed into bed. I didn't want to look like a mess on my first day!

Morning sunshine filtered through my window. I could faintly hear my moms voice calling my name, but the warmth of my mattress encouraged me to ignore her.

Apparently Aslan wasn't happy with that decision, because only seconds after I burrowed further into my covers, he began kneading my face with his paws.

His furry feet tickled my face, and at last I opened my eyes. I reached over to my bedside table and lazily slid my glasses up my nose.

Now I could hear my mom more clearly.

"Ren darling if you don't get out of bed this instant you'll miss the train!!!"

At that I shot out of bed, how had I forgotten! I frantically rummaged through my trunk, and pulled out my favorite jumper and a pair of tights.

I changed quickly before looking at my hair in mirror. Oh no!

My wavy curls puffed up giving me unnecessary volume. I had taken a late night shower, and because I had slept on damp hair, it looked... let's just say, bad.

I anxiously ran some sleekeasy through the frizz, attempting to tame some of it, before I gave up and put it in a pony tail.

But even in a ponytail I couldn't escape the frizz, as the baby hairs around my face stuck up like the petals on a flower.

It would have to do.

I double, and triple checked my room, making sure I hadn't left anything. When it seemed I hadn't I ran downstairs.

I grabbed a pancake and ran to find my boots. This is how my dad found me, one shoe on, glasses slipping off my nose and half a pancake sticking out of my mouth.

He looked at me with an inquisitive gaze, one of his eyebrows raised.

"I don't even want to know... But I'm pretty sure your mother will have my head if we aren't outside soon." He chuckled, before grabbing my trunk.

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