>>Chapter 6<<

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Sirius lead me towards his compartment. As he was a fairly tall boy, my short legs combined with the weight of my bags affected my ability to keep up.

Noticing my struggle, he stoped and held out a hand.

"Here, let me help."

A huff escaped my lips, before I begrudgingly handed over my trunk.

He grinned with satisfaction, sending a wink my way and hoisted my trunk up.

His smile soon faltered, as he hasn't anticipated the weight and he stumbled backwards.

I quickly went to help him, but he stopped me, not wanting his pride to be wounded any more.

With shaking arms, he heaved my trunk into the compartment and slumped down on one of the seats. Another boy sat next to him, lazily tossing a snitch into the air. He looked up when I entered the compartment, but didn't seem interested.

"I could really go for some Jelly Slugs right now." Muttered Sirius tiredly.

"Hmm I took you more as a Pumpkin Pasty guy. I personally prefer Chocolate Frogs."

This caused him to chuckle.

"I don't believe we've been properly introduced. I'm Sirius, Sirius Black."

"Nice to meet you Sirius, I'm Farren Lawell."

"And you are?" I inquired, peering at the other boy from behind my frames.

He was around the same hight as Sirius, maybe a bit taller. He had a pair of boxy glasses that continuously slid down his nose, and a mop of messy dark hair on his head.

"The names James, James Potter. I'm assuming you've heard of my Dad, Fleamont Potter. He's the creator of Sleekeasy, only the greatest hair product in the world." He exclaimed, emphasizing the "greatest".

Sirius appeared confused, put out even.

"When I left the compartment did you just let yourself in, seeing my bags already there?"

"Uh yea?"


Not wanting the argument to escalate, I decided to but in.

"Sirius, all the other compartments are full. Why do you think I'm here?" I remarked, rolling my eyes.

Not waiting for him to respond, I shoved both of them out of the compartment to get snacks, and hopefully get along better.

Once they were gone, I slumped into my seat. Aslan crawled out of my pocket and curled into my side, purring.

I grinned at the soothing noise, before pulling out a book.

The rest of the trip went smoothly, with the boys returning to the compartment, arms full of sweets.

Each had a grin on their face, as they seemingly got over their differences.

We spent the rest of the time eating, and I attempted to read while the boys teased me for being a nerd.

Before we reached the station, I changed into my robes, before piling out of the train with everyone else.

A very tall man bellowed for the first years to follow him. Some kids appeared frightened by his stature, while others sent him judge mental stares.

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