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"I told you it was fun." Dinah exclaims, lifting my arms in the air as the two of us dance together. There are no longer people performing on stage, instead the club DJ is filling the room. Now that the alcohol has completely lowered my inhibitions, I decide I should thank Lauren for her help before my English lesson and let her know how much I enjoyed the performance.

"I need to pee, I'll be back in a few minutes." I lie, letting go of the blonde and forcing a smile in the direction of Shawn who's brows are furrowed.

"You just went." He states, but is quickly interrupted by Kevin.

"Yeah but she broke the barrier." She shoots me a knowing glance, riddling me with confusion and thankfulness all in one. I nod my head in agreement, handing the questioning boy my drink.

"I won't be long." I back away the minute he takes it, moving clumsily through the crowd around us in the direction of the toilet before switching and heading toward the door Normani left through before. I push it open, hearing loud cheers echoing through the corridor before two of the three suited men appear in front of me.

"Joining the celebrations?" One smiles brightly, gesturing for me to pass them while holding the door open to another, adjacent corridor. I force a smile, passing between them, allowing the door to close behind me.

"This is amazing." Ally's voice sounds from behind a large black curtain and I pull it back to find her, Normani and Lauren all hugging each other tightly.

I step forward quietly, trying hard not to ruin their moment, but clumsily trip over a wire causing a loud noise to fill the entire bar and all three girls to look up. Lauren meets my eyes briefly, but her attention is quickly diverted when the girl I now know to be called Lucy grabs her arm and kisses her. Despite the three or four men making an effort to stop the mics from screaming behind me, and the loud groans from the people on the other side of another black curtain I assume to lead to the stage, it's Dinah who saves me from the embarrassment that was me staring at the two girls with their lips locked together.

"Mila, what the hell are you doing?" She pulls me roughly back through the curtain and Normani follows.

"I was just-"

"Getting your heart broken." She sighs and the black girl reaches for her hand, pulling my arm from her grip. Before either can say anything else, I break down in tears, causing my best friend to pull me tightly into her arms and Normani to guide us into an empty room just behind us. "Mila I told you-"

"I just wanted- to thank her." I manage through splutters and the blonde holds me tighter.

"I know, I know..." she stops and the two of us stay stood embracing each other in silence for a few minutes. "I knew it was you the minute I heard the music go off the and mics make that horrible noise." She laughs lightly and I join her, drawing back to wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Only I'd do something like that, right."

"Exactly." She smirks, reaching for my hand. "I know you care about her Mila, you've just got to give it time. She'll realise she cares about you too. I saw it myself." She aids the wiping of my tears before adjusting my hair and heading toward the door. "You wanna go home?" She questions, turning to face me again with her hand on the knob.

I shake my head no, wiping beneath my eyes once more. "It's out of my system." I force a smile, pulling the door open and leaving before her. The minute we re enter the space before the curtain, Normani looks up. Dinah smiles at her as my eyes find Lauren, her arm wrapped firmly around Lucy, but her eyes also on me. She smiles, her features almost apologetic before Dinah pulls me away and back toward the door we entered through.

"Congratulations, girls!" She shouts loudly, neither of us turning back as she waves a hand above her head.


I apologise for the extremely short chapter, I've been suffering from writers block for weeks - J

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