Chapter 3

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Neo's P.O.V

As I'm watching T.V. I notice it's already midnight. I smile while practically skipping to where I left (Y/N). I see him snuggled up in the blankets with a smile. He's such a cute boy. I think to myself while slowly getting on the bed to not wake him up. He's wrapped in the blanket like a burrito so I can't find his tail and it's making me kinda upset.

After a bit of looking at (Y/N) trying to find his tail, I realize it's probably in the blanket burrito with him.

Just my luck! I mentally shout as I reach towards the blankets.

It takes a while and (Y/N) almost woke up a couple times, but I manage to get him out the blankets. I sit down on the bed happy with my work and see (Y/N)'s tail slowly waging back and forth. I watch for a little bit as it keeps going until it eventually stops and lands in my lap.

Is it giving me permission to touch it? I think to myself staring at (Y/N)'s tail.

I don't know maybe I'll ask (Y/N) to touch it... Nah I'm gonna touch it. I say to myself lightly grabbing his tail.

It starts to twitch so I tighten my grip on it. His tail then wraps around my arm holding me down. When I try to pull myself up his tail pulls me back down. I think a little bit then start rubbing his tail. All that does is make its grip tighten.

(Y/N) then pulls me into a tight hug still asleep and I feel my face heat up from being so close to him. When I tighten my grip on his tail he squeezes me tighter. Does his tail make him horny? I think to myself loosening my grip, which causes (Y/N) to loosen up on the hugging.

I wonder how horny. I think letting go of his tail. He doesn't let me out of the hug, but he's not holding on as tight either.

When I try to move away (Y/N)'s tail pulls me back. I grab his tail to try and move it, but I guess I grabbed too hard because I just heard (Y/N) shoot up on the bed.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I shot up in my bed feeling extremely hot and feisty. I was eager to get my hands on anything, that's when I realize someone's holding my tail. My head shoots to look over at whoever is holding my tail.

When I see Neo I feel a smirk creep on my face. "Neo~," I say seductively while getting closer to her. She tries to back away, but I use my tail to pull her back to me. "Come on Neo don't leave after you're the one that touched my tail~," I say wrapping her in a hug so we're face to face.

As time passes I can feel the pleasure that goes through my body when someone touches my tail slipping away, but I don't want it to go away. I think to myself pulling Neo even closer.

"Neo you're really sexy, you know that~?" I say looking down into her eyes.

She looks a little scared, I like it. "What's wrong Neo, just let me take care of you~," I say going in for a kiss only to get hit in the stomach.

"Sorry, Neo I'm not into that," I say grabbing her right wrist with my tail, and her left one with my left hand. I then lick her neck.

"Mm, Neo you taste just like ice cream," I say licking her neck again. She then kicks me, but I manage to hold onto her with my tail.

Neo grabs my tail to tries to pull it off of her, but I feel my sexual desires rush through me again before they begin to fade.

"Neo~," I say pouncing on her. She looks scared, but I can feel the pleasure quickly slipping away.

"I wish you would've held my tail longer," I say with a sigh before licking her neck again. "I love you, Neo~," I say kissing her cheek before passing out on top of her.

Time skip to 9 A.M. brought to you by chibi Neo standing on her tippy toes rubbing chibi (Y/N)'s ears

I woke up to a black nothingness. When I open my eyes I can only see a little light. When I try to pull my head up I get pushed back down onto someone's lap.

"Neo?" I question trying to lift my head only to get pushed back down. I then feel a hand brush through my hair and scratch my ear. I feel a couple tears form in my eyes and jump up hugging Neo.

"Neo I'm really, really sorry," I say hugging her tightly. "Please forgive me Neo," I say calming down and backing away from her.

She wipes away the couple tears I still had with a smile. "You aren't mad?" I ask.

She shakes her head and I then notice Neo is in an extremely revealing nightgown. I feel my cheeks blush red at the sight.

Neo notices my blush and smirks standing up. She then does a spin making my blush deepen. I stand up as well, pulling her into another hug.

"You know I wouldn't blame you for being mad. I've been kicked out of many places for the... tail thing." I say pulling away to look at her face. She looks embarrassed.

"What'd you do?" I ask with a slight laugh. She points towards my scroll on the nightstand and I walk over to pick it up. When I turn it on I see 12 missed messages from Neo.

"Neo, what the hell?" I ask laughing. When I unlock my phone I start to look through all the messages.

'(Y/N) get off of me'


'I'm going to seriously hurt you if you don't get up'

'If you don't get up right now I will kill you'

'Why won't you wake up'

'I'm so bored'

'I can't even fall asleep'

'Just wait until you get up'

'You owe me some ice cream when you get up'

'At least now I know why I shouldn't touch your tail'

'I just realized your scroll is on the nightstand'

'Ignore my other messages'

I can't help but laugh. "Alright, let's get going," I say grabbing Neos wrist.

She immediately pulls her hand away from me. Guess she's gotta be at least a little traumatized from last night.

"Come on, let me go buy you some ice cream," I say offering my hand. Although she hesitates, she eventually takes my hand and we head out to my favorite ice cream stand.

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