Chapter 5

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I watch as Neo backs away from the hug. I can't help but smile at how beautiful she is in the moonlight.

"I'll see you again," I say leaving the park. As I'm walking I see a mattress that had been laying in a dumpster.

"Sweet," I say aloud. I use my telekinesis to pull the mattress out the dumpster and make it follow me. I keep walking for a bit until I think of a place to sleep. I use my telekinesis to float both the mattress and myself up to a rooftop.

When I lay down on the mattress I notice how bad it smells. "I hate my life," I say jumping off the building.

Right before I hit the ground I use my telekinesis to make a complete stop. I sigh to myself. "Guess I should wash it, then go out for awhile until it drys," I said nodding at my own plan.

I find a house with a hose nearby and wash down the mattress while mixing in some soap I "borrowed" from a nearby house. I actually will return it, I don't have much need for it.

When I finish I return the soap without being seen, as well as the hose I was using. "Now what should I do? I could go see Neo, but she might think I'm being clingy... oh, there's that girl I met earlier. What was her name?" I say trying to remember her name.

"Something about a rose, wait my I have her in my scroll," I say pulling out my scroll, looking through the contact. I find the only name in my scroll that has to do with a rose.

'My little rose, how are you doing?'


'Who else... I guess it could be a lot of people actually'

'Yeah what do you want it's so late'

'I know, but I'm free right now and was thinking about going out to eat'

'Are you asking me out?'

'Yeah pretty much... don't take it the wrong way it's just as friends'

'Yeah, yeah where are we going'

'Something cheap I'm pretty broke'

'That's fine where should I meet you'

'I'll come get you, where are you at'

'Um, that might be a problem... I'm at Beacon'

'Beacon Academy?'


'Not a problem, open your window and wait there for about 5 min'

'You sure?'



'Cool, be there in a couple minutes'

Beacon Academy I didn't think she was that old. Oh well better not keep a lady waiting. I think to myself heading to Beacon. I float around searching for an open window with Ruby by it.

Ice Cream Cat (Neko reader X Neo) Where stories live. Discover now