Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"(Y/N) (L/N), nice to meet you Neo." I say sticking out my hand which she gladly accepts.

We continue sitting there in silence. But it's a comfortable silence, so I'm actually ok with it. Usually, silence isn't my favorite thing in the world, but at least it's peaceful right now. After a little while, I decided it's about time to go find a place to sleep.

"Alright Neo, this was fun and I'd love to do it again, but I gotta go find a place to sleep tonight. Maybe I'll see you around?" I questioned.

She looked confused and pulled out her scroll. 'Find?' She questions.

"Yeah, I'm amazingly broke so I gotta find places to sleep every night," I say standing up and stretching.

"Not too hard to do in my cat form though," I add on, trying to make sure she doesn't worry.

'Like on my lap?'She texts me with a smirk.

"Aw, come on. Now you bring it up." I say with a sigh. Neo then stands up facing me.

"Yes, ~?" I say bending down to somewhat make fun of how short she is. She puffs out her cheeks looking slightly annoyed with me. It's kinda adorable.

As I stand there waiting for a response she gestures for me to get closer. I lean in more so our faces are almost touching. I notice a light blush come from Neo but decide not to comment on it.

Out of nowhere, Neo begins scratching my ear. It feels really nice so I just let her do it. After a couple minutes Neo pulls out her scroll. '(Y/N), are you a faunus?' She asks.

I back away, which in turn stops her from scratching my ear. "No, not really. Faunus' usually only have one trait of there animal. They also can't become their animal, at least the ones I've met can't. I'm a Neko." I tell her.

'You only have a pair of ears,' She texts me. I sigh in disbelief.

"Have you really not noticed my tail?" I say making my tail come up to my shoulder. She goes to touch it, but I quickly back away.

"Ears are fine, the tails off limits,"  I tell her making her silently laugh.

Neo's P.O.V

I'm so going to touch that tail now. I think to myself.

I start to think of a plan when I finally get it. I pull out my scroll to text (Y/N). When I finish he pulls out his scroll to check what I said.

"Are you really ok with letting me stay at your place?" He asks and I quickly nod.

All of a sudden (Y/N) quickly wraps his arms around me in a hug. I'm shocked at first, but then start trying to grab his tail. It's wagging so fast I can barely see it, after a few attempts to grab it I give up, mentally sighing and hug (Y/N).

I watch as (Y/N)'s tail taunts me swinging back and forth. You just wait until tonight.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I was so happy Neo had invited me to stay with her, even if she only let me stay there tonight. I found myself hugging Neo from joy and while it took a little bit Neo actually hugged back.

Ice Cream Cat (Neko reader X Neo) Where stories live. Discover now