Chapter 15

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

My Oum did that hurt! I mentally scream. I look up to see Neo basically untouched. Her eyes closed tightly and she has a few light scratches, but nothing serious. Meanwhile I can barely feel my body, and my eyes feel so heavy. As if I was about to fall asleep any moment. Neo opens her eyes and looks down at me.

"Hey Neo," I say weakly. Neo smiles, but it quickly becomes a look of worries. She begins to rub my face and I give her another weak smile. "I'm alright Neo, to be honest I didn't think I would survive that fall," I say.

It takes up a lot of energy just to talk. "Neo, can we go home?" I ask. Neo nods quickly as she picks me up, letting me lean on her for support.

I wish I wouldn't have wasted so much of my energy on Ruby. I think back on how I went kinda crazy.

Man, the old me would've never used so much of his energy. I sigh at the thought. After a long walk and surprisingly no Grimm, we finally made it to Neo's house. "It's been awhile, huh Neo?" Neo just nods as she leads me inside.

Once inside, Neo puts me on the couch and goes to the kitchen. I try to get up, but the pain is to much and I don't bother to try again. I look at my body, scratches and cuts everywhere, I think I broke my wrist, and probably screwed up my ankle. I sigh to myself seeing how beat up I am.

"Heh, who's truly luckier? The old me that would still be out there relaxing, or the new me, who's found his new favorite treat," I say to myself before Neo walks back in the room.

Neo hands me a glass of water, but when I sniff it I can smell some pills in it. I decide to ignore it since Neo would probably force me to drink it anyways if I didn't. "Thanks Neo," I say pulling her closer to me. Even that little action kind of hurt, but it was worth it. Neo lays against me lightly so she won't hurt anything. I smile down at her and begin petting her head. She gives me a bright smile as she nuzzles against my hand. We stay like that until I fall asleep with Neo.

Neo's P.O.V

He's such a cute boy. I think to myself looking up at him. I still need to make him mine though. I mentally sigh to myself still staring at him. I look down and see his tail wagging side to side and when I look back at (Y/N) I can see he's asleep.

I could just do that. I think to myself as my hand moves down towards his tail. I smack my own hand and keep myself from touching it. I shouldn't force it on him, I'll make sure he agrees to it. I mentally sigh.

I lay my head on (Y/N)'s lap and just lay there looking outside. Despite how dark it was not to long ago, it's already gotten a lot nicer. 'Maybe me and (Y/N) could start a life together, without crime.' I think to myself with a blush. "Neo are you blushing?" I hear (Y/N) ask. I sit up to look at him a nod. "Why?" He ask, surprised that I admitted I was blushing. I grab my notepad and wrote down 'I was thinking about what it'd be like if we started a family together.' I then hand him the notepad.

(Y/N) reads it in his head and I can see him blush. "Yeah, I can see why you were blushing now." He says. I smile and hug him tightly. He groans in pain, but doesn't let me move away. He holds me just as tightly against him. We stay like that for a long, LONG, time. I ask (Y/N) if we could sleep together and promised not to touch his tail. He said yes and we both headed to bed. "Oh, Neo hold on." He said stepping away from me. He became a cat and stared up at me.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I feel like because Neo is mute that she understands me a lot better then anyone I've ever met. I stare up at her and she stares down at me. She then picks me up and puts me on the bed just like I wanted. My body doesn't hurt as much when I'm like this, so I chose to do this whenever I'm seriously hurt. Which use to not happen often. I've got a feeling it's gonna be happening a whole lot more soon. Neo lays down, being careful not to squish me.

I stare at her as she covers herself up with the blanket. She then turns to face me and pulls me next to her. I smile to myself as Neo holds me. 'This might hurt a lot more, but Neo is worth it, and this'll be worth it.' I think to myself as I become human again. I then turn to face Neo, who is staring at me in confusion. I just smile at her and the thoughts going through my head right now, but there's no doubt in my mind saying not to do this.

I lean forward and lock my lips with Neos. It doesn't take long for her to realize what's happening as she begins kissing me back. We continue kissing, but it turns out to be more of a make out session than anything. Soon I have to break it, for both air and that there's still something else I gotta do. Neo looks at me happy with our kiss. I can see the string of saliva still connecting us, but I ignore it. "Neo, I love you and wether you say yes or no to this question won't stop that, but would you go out with me?" I ask.

Neo stares at me in shock. I just give her a questioning look. She then nods and pulls me into another kiss. Looks like we'll be together for a long time.

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