Chapter 9

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V

As I continue walking downstairs I realize a slight problem. I'm seriously gonna cry, I think to myself as I head back upstairs towards Neo. I made such a good exit, but I don't know where I'm going. I continue while crying to myself on the inside. When I get back to the top of the stairs Neo gives me a confused look.

"I don't know where I'm going," I say with a loud sigh. She silently giggles at me. "That was adorable," I accidentally say aloud. I see Neo blush, but she grabs my hand and leads me downstairs.

Neo opens a door to presumably her room. "Your room?" I ask. Neo nods. "Awesome," I say as the door automatically closes behind us. I look down and notice Neo still has my hand in hers. I shrug it off and pull Neo over to the bed. The rooms not much, especially compared to her actual house. I guess that's to be expected though. The room consist of a bed, desk with a chair, two mirrors, closet, bean bag chair, lamp, and a small bathroom. The bathroom has the necessary things like a toilet, sink, and shower.

I sit on the bed with Neo since she still hasn't let go of my hand. She looks at me and I just give her a bright smile. She smiles back. We both sit on the bed in silence considering there's not much to do. Neo and I both get bored pretty quickly. You can see it on our faces as we both turn to look at each other with the same expression. "You wanna go out and do something?" I ask to which Neo immediately nods.

"You wanna pick or am I picking?" I continue. Neo thinks about it then points to herself.

"Lead the way," I say as Neo tries pulling me up from the bed. I laugh a little before standing up.

Neo's P.O.V

I stand up quickly while trying to pull (Y/N) off my bed. He laughs at my attempt before standing up himself. Since we first started holding hands we've never let go, so either he doesn't notice or he doesn't care either way works for me. I pull him out of the room ready to leave until a certain friend of mine calls me out.

"Neo!", Cinder yells, "Come here really quick and leave your boyfriend behind!" She yells causing me to blush. I look over to (Y/N). "Go ahead I'll wait right here," He says letting go of my hand and sitting on the ground. I walk up to Cinders room a little upset she took me away from (Y/N).

I walk into Cinders room and give her the look saying "what do you want?!" She laughs at me before standing up. Why's everyone laughing at me? I think to myself as Cinder stands in front of me. "Neo, I want that boy on our side," she starts, "so make it happen, we could use him right now," Cinder says staring down at me. I nod in response, but before I leave the room Cinder grabs my wrist.

"Don't fail this," She says. I feel her hand start to heat up making me retract my arm from her grip. "Have fun~," She finishes mockingly. I roll my eyes and leave the room. My scroll goes off almost immediately after I leave the room.

P.S. I know you've got a dirty mind, save those ideas for when your done with your mission or use them to complete it either way works. I read in my head. She's buying me ice cream for all this. I think to myself walking down the stairs. As I walk my facial expression goes from agitated to flustered because Cinder got my dirty mind going now.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I watch as Neo walks down the stairs looking a little agitated. As she continues walking she starts to look happier, like she was thinking of something fun. She walks over to me and shakes her head.

"You ready?" I ask not wanting to ruin her good mood. Neo nods and grabs my hand again. Guess this is a regular thing now. I think to myself as Neo leads me outside.

"So where are we going Neo?" I ask as she continues pulling me, hand in hand. She pulls out her scroll with her free hand so she doesn't have to let go of mine.

"3 places," I read off of her scroll. "Ok, where to first?" I ask looking around. When I turn to look at Neo she already has a message typed up. The park. I read in my head. "Why?" Neo doesn't give me any hints on why we're going, instead she continues leading me to the park.

When we finally get there Neo finally let's go of my hand and sits on a bench. I shrug and as I'm about to sit next to her, she stops me.

"What?" I ask confused. Neo pats her lap. "Neo I'm not sitting on your lap," I tell her. She gives me a silent sigh before pulling out her scroll, typing a message, then showing it to me. "Neko," is all it says. It doesn't take long for me to realize what she wants.

"Really!" I ask excitedly. Neo just nods. I quickly turn into my cat form and jump onto her lap. She opens up her umbrella and holds it over us with one hand while petting me with the other. I forgot how good Neo's hands felt against my fur.

We stay like that for quite a long time just watching as people pass. Some strangers also came by to pet me. Although Neo didn't seem so happy when ever a girl tried. She'd get this wicked smile, but I'd just rub my head against her stomach to calm her down. Luckily I don't think anyone noticed that smile.

Soon it was already 8 in the afternoon. I kept drifting off to sleep as Neo would rub different parts of my body. She tried to go for my tail once, but I hissed at her. Finally Neo picked me up and put me on the other side of the bench. I became human once more and waited for her next move. She stuck out her hand and waited. I firmly took her hand in mine and she started leading me to the next place.

Neo finally stopped in front of an ice cream parlor and looked at me. "This the second place?" I ask. Neo nods starting to become more impatient as we stand outside.

"I brung money go ahead," I tell her. She quickly let's go of my hand and rushes inside. "Wow, feels weird being the responsible one," I say to myself as I go inside. I scan the room in search of my ice cream and find her already looking through different flavors. I walk over and stand there patiently waiting. After a couple of minutes Neo looks back at me.

"You done?" I ask. She nods quickly so I call over one of the workers. As the worker makes his way to us Neo sends me a text saying what she wants.

"My Oum, Neo I'm already pretty poor and you aren't helping," I tell her. She gives me one of the most adorable smiles I've ever seen as she turns back to see the worker standing there.

"Hello, what would you two like today?" He asks in a cheery tone. "For me I'll take two scoops of Neapolitan and for the girl", I take a deep breath, "she would like a scope of cherry, bubblegum, white chocolate, rainbow sherbet, lemon, strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate," I say looking at Neo who nods approvingly.

The worker looks at Neo for a few seconds astonished before regaining his composure. "Well that be all?" He ask, still a little shock in his voice.

"Yes, and thank you," I say. The man quickly makes my ice cream then Neo's. I hand him enough money for the ice cream and Neo and I decide to sit outside. I finish my ice cream way before Neo unsurprisingly, so I have to sit and watch her eat her ice cream. When she's finally done she stands up.

"Time to go?" I ask. Neo nods and grabs my hand again. As she starts to lead me to the next area one thought keeps reappearing in my head. This girl can eat a mountain of ice cream like that and stay in such good shape. How? I question as Neo continues walking.

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