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What everyone in the quaint town of Riverdale knew now, was that Jason Blossom was shot dead.

He didn't drown like Cheryl had told everyone he had; which made people fear the Blossom family even more... or at least question them.

But the next day was everything but problematic.

Sure there were a few questions flying around the halls of school and a ton of flowers and stuff by Jason's locker, but other than that, things felt strangely normal. Except for Arabella.

That morning she felt a sharp pain in her gut that made her want to vomit, but she suppressed the feeling with a hard swallow.

For some reason, Ara couldn't help but feel guilty. She didn't kill the boy; it's just that she had an upsetting feeling that his death was her fault. At least, the fault of the family feud between the Blossoms and Queens.

"Ara!" Kevin shouted happily from behind his dark-brunette-haired friend.

"Christ," she said sickeningly like she was actually going to vomit.

"Whoa," he laughed nervously, "you okay?"

"Fine," she lied looking up at her friend, "uh, I assume Betty already talked to you about the whole finding the body thing. There's no need for us to talk about it."

"Actually, it was the other way around, I told her... but don't worry," he said with a slightly disgusted look on his face as his friend looked like she was actually turning green, "you look like you don't really want to talk about a dead body."

Arabella quickly shook off her limbs, that were feeling sore, whilst listening to her friend talk, "okay, so, you know how Moose and I were at the lake the other night when we... y'know?"

"I'm assuming when you found the body? Yeah," Arabella said, suppressing her horrible feelings for the moment, "you guys are really cute. Are you going to try again? Y'know with the whole 'sneak away and get it in' thing?"

Kevin furrowed his eyebrows playfully at how his friend was so good at acting that she could go from needing to be hunched over the toilet to talking with him about his problems.

"Well," he began, "I'm definitely not going to. He needs to check his sexuality at the door. Turns out he has an official girlfriend, Midge."

"Oh, Midge Klump," Arabella said, remembering the girl whom was in her math class last year, "black hair, great personality, horrible at math."

"Yeah," Kevin nodded, "her. So I think that he should just stick with being straight. His expertise is girls."

Arabella nodded, "if that's what you want, I fully support that."

Kevin nodded a small thanks to Arabella before he thought of a more important relationship that seemed to be going steady.

"How are you and Prince Charming? Especially, after Saturday night when you two went home together after the dance," Kevin asked adding a little shimmy to his shoulders.

The young Queen smiled to herself, remembering the great time the couple had, before looking up at her friend.

"Let's just say that I hope there are many more dates to come," Arabella smiled and Kevin grinned back.

"Let's go before we're late for AP Bio," the boy scoffed playfully.


Surprisingly, the two friends weren't late considering that their teacher wasn't even in the classroom yet.

The students were dissecting frogs today and Arabella's stomach couldn't really handle it at the moment. But it was for a large portion of her grade, so she didn't really have a choice to leave.

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