For Noodle

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You continued to run, feeling tears drip from your eyes. You could hear 2-D's voice from down the hall, calling your name desperately. You found a small closet and shut the door, turning on a small lightbulb that was overhead. There was a crate of toilet paper that you decided to sit on. You covered your face with your hands as you cried quietly. Murdoc sure knew how to make someone feel like they were nothing..

"(Y/n)? Is that you..?"

The closet door opened slowly, it was Russel. You sniffled, uncovering your face. Russel bent down to you, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"What's wrong? why are you crying?" He questioned, noticing your tear stained face.

You shrugged, not wanting to start trouble. You knew how Russel believed Noodle's 'disappearance' was Murdoc's fault. You didn't want him to get even angrier at Murdoc.

"It's fine if you don't want to talk, I get it. I haven't really felt like talking either." He chuckled sadly.

You could really see the pain in his eyes, they seemed so glassy.

"(Y/n)?" It was 2-D, calling your name.

Russel stood up, looking down at you.

"I think 'D's calling you.."

You followed him out of the closet, you wiped the rest of your tears. He hugged you suddenly.

"If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here. You remind me so much of Noodle I-"

2-D came running down the hall, pausing when he saw you and Russel.

"Are yew two alrigh'?"

You both pulled away from each other. You nodded, you had finally stopped crying.

"Yep, we're fine." Russel smiled, it seemed fake.

2-D nodded at him, smiling back. Oblivious to the pain he was still feeling over Noodle. It was quiet, none of you spoke.

"Do yew fink, maybe we could um, 'ave another movie nigh', Russ? Fo' old times sake?" 2-D recommended with a bright smile.

Russel agreed, patting your back before returning to his room which was close by. You began to walk with 2-D, quietly by his side.

"Are yew sure yew're okay, love?"

"Yeah, I'm sure."

He looked at you, not looking very convinced. He took a deep breath before grabbing your shoulders, he looked directly at you.

"Are yew being honest wif me?"

You nodded, that short talk with Russel helped quite a bit. 2-D sighed, taking his hands off of your shoulders.

"Alrigh', I just want to make sure yew're okay because I lov-" He froze, covering his mouth quickly.

2-D's POV:

God dammit, Pot. You always say more than your supposed to. She looked incredibly confused, this is the second time I've done this around her. I always want to complement her, tell her how beautiful she is, but I can't.

Cause I'm a coward.

I almost said I loved her. She would hate me. It's too soon, who knows if she feels the same. Only if Noodle were here to help me..


You know what? Fuck it. I promise, before I loose her because of the crazy people I live with, I'll tell her. I'll tell her I love her, for Noodle.

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