I Can't Believe We Pulled This Off

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As soon as she saw the fire, Kaia tapped the rune she was pretty sure would start the boat moving. It did exactly what she wanted. Now for Celestar to get back, she thought.

Up in the city, the alarm sounded. "Fire!" Someone cried. "Fire in the harbor! Fire on the boats! Fire, fire!"

"Please, Celestar," murmured Nevay. "Be swift."

Kaia's mind echoed the sentiment.

She was beginning to get really worried when finally, finally, Celestar poked his head up from the water. She and Nevay each grabbed one of his arms and pulled him onto the barge. The moment he was safely on board, Kaia dashed back to the controls and set the speed to maximum.

The little boat skipped merrily over the waves. Kaia, Nevay, and Celestar looked back at the flaming dock as others of its kind drifted with the current, lazily following the pull of the water.

Suddenly, they began to laugh. "We've done it!" Cried Celestar, grinning madly. He threw his arms around Nevay and hugged him enthusiastically. The little sword's eyes widened comically, but then he was smiling again. Laughing, Kaia joined them, exchanging embraces and whoops of joy.

They'd done it. They'd done it, and there was no telling what else they could do.

For the first time since they'd set out, Kaia felt hope, real hope, that she'd be able to rescue her Lore.

Hopefully, they would save Celestar's Nalifrom and Nevay's Wentarion along with him.

Hopefully, they would save Celestar's Nalifrom and Nevay's Wentarion along with him

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Author's Note: Welcome back to Aer'denna, everybody. Anyone else getting "A New Hope" vibes?

Ah, I couldn't resist. I'm not the most avid fan of Star Wars myself (that being said, Carrie Fisher is Queen), but I have this one friend (CheshireCheeseCat ) who's totally in love with the franchise.

Thanks for reading this latest chapter, you guys! If you liked it, drop a vote or a comment. Both are appreciated. Cheers!

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