Chapter One

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A/N: I am fully aware that there isn't Thanksgiving outside of the United States; it's only purpose in this section is to continue the story smoothly and to be able to give background. Thank you for understanding!


If Hermione could go back to how life had been a week ago, she would.

A week ago she, Ron, Harry and Ginny had been at Thanksgiving dinner at The Burrow. After the meal, she and Ron had taken a walk of the garden, kicked a few gnomes and shared numerous laughs. And, as the sun began to set, Ron got on one knee and proclaimed he wouldn't want to spend the rest of his life with anyone else. He asked for her hand in marriage. She leaped into his arms after the ring was placed on her finger. It was dainty yet bold. A beautiful ruby sat in the center of it, and it had two small diamonds set on either side of the centered red piece.

They had wandered back inside after some soft kisses and announced to her soon to be new family that she had said 'yes!' It was a wonder filled night of love, magic and family. But, all good must come to an end at some point. Hermione guessed that point was now.

For the past month there had been rumblings of a predecessor to Lord Voldemort gathering a following. Rumors told spoke of his horrible demeanor and retributive attitude. But, they were just rumors, until the murders started. The day after Thanksgiving, that beautiful night, the first body turned up. Three more had been found just laying in plain sight for the past week. Action had to be taken, something needed to be done. These weren't normal muggle deaths. They were of the magical kind, and it was obvious.

The muggle Prime Minister was beside himself with fear. It was said he had pleaded with the Minister of Magic to have protection for his citizens, a promise the Minister was not dumb nor certain enough to make. Although, he did promise to do all that he could.

After the third victim was found, a letter was made to all past Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students that had no children younger than 13. It requested their presence on December 4th at the school they were the alumni of. The students that had occupied the schools just a mere week earlier had been mandated to stay or be sent home to their families. They were told to stay there until told otherwise. Meaning, it was for safety concerns that Hogwarts had been closed to students for the first time in its history.

Hermione shivered at the thought and continued folding the sweater in her hands. She had been packing all morning while Ron sat quietly at the kitchen table reading the paper. He hadn't looked up for over 10 minutes, and she hadn't attempted conversation for over 15. The air was thick with anxiety and fear. Something big was happening, but not everything had been made public yet. This was worrying. The new administration at the Ministry had made it their duty to make as much as possible public to the wizarding community. Too many secrets had been held in the past and this unwritten law was made in an attempt to regain the trust it had lost from the community.

"Well, this is the last of it. Do you think we will be home soon?" Hermione implored. Ron sat, unmoving, a look of sadness running across his face. Finally, he looked at her. His eyes were full of fear but his voice was steady.

"I don't know. I hope so." That was it. That was the last they spoke until they reached Kings Cross Station. There, the conversation was the same, but deepened by the other Weasley's and Harry. They all seemed ready for some sort of quarrel. Except Ginny.

She stood by Harry, not speaking and looking incredibly worried. Harry's arm draped over her shoulder, and his hand was clenching tightly. He was speaking with George about the last time they had been to Hogwarts, what had ensued. Hermione walked casually to Ginny, and asked to speak with her.

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