Chapter Four

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Running up the steps to the castle entrance proved problematic. Hermione's lungs felt like they were burning up from the inside, her feet were on fire from running again yet freezing cold from the air outside and the many puddles they sprinted through. The bottoms of their pants and shoes were soaked.

"The doors weren't closed earlier!" Draco panted from Hermione's left. He attempted to push the hulking things open but with no luck.

"Watch out, Alohamora!" Hermione pointed her wand at the middle of the doors. They would not budge, however. She tried two more times, on the last attempt they were both thrown backward through the air and landed with a loud 'thump' a good distance away.

"Well, the shield charm works like a charm!" Draco huffed and tried to regain his composure. Hermione was still laying on the ground, the wind knocked out of her. Draco made an attempt after swaying a bit to get her to her feet as well, but she could only sit up. He knelt next to her and rubbed her back as she tried to catch her breath.

"In-deed." Was all she could get out. For a moment, they sat like that. Him rubbing her back, her breath finally coming back and filling her lungs with a sharp intake; much like taking a hard pull from a cigarette. The smoke had become thicker from over their heads and the darker than it had been before. There was a fire, she knew, she just wondered if anyone was injured. She worried briefly about Harry and George and Ron. Don't think about him right now... a sting, not unlike a bees hit her heart. But, that was all that came. It was odd, truly but she didn't ponder on it long.

"We need to get back to Hogsmede. See if they can get a letter to the Headmistress. We need to let her know we are out here." Hermione nodded and exerted almost all of the strength she had to hoist herself up onto her feet.

They re-entered the Three Broomsticks and Draco told the barkeep the situation. Hermione took a seat at the table where their butter beers lay untouched. She sipped knowingly as Draco sat back down, parchment in hand.

"Marv said he'd let us use his owl to send McGonagall a message. Hopefully it will be able to get in." Marv came to their table and put another round of butter beer down as well as ink and a tattered quill. They mumbled a 'thank you' to him as he shuffled away, and then Draco began to write. His letters were beautiful; long, curled words rose from his fingertips it seemed. Hermione had no idea his penmanship was so lovely. Then again, she never really paid attention to Draco much throughout school. She had been the butt of his jokes. Seeing him now, like this, not only was it refreshing it was actually quite pleasant. She had learned so much about this man in such a short time, and she was surprised at how happy this fact made her.

The Draco she had known was no more. Now a handsome, genuine man sat in front of her. She sipped again from her beer and wondered if it was the alcohol or her thoughts that had made her go warm inside.

"That should do." He said looking up. He noticed she was staring and smiled. She finally caught herself and slipped out a quick apology. "It's alright, I'll admit I do the same to you sometimes."

"You do?" She blushed.

"Well, yes." He got up, the tips of his ears pink, and walked back to Marv who took the letter Draco had written to the back. When he came back and sat at the table, the silence was palpable.

"So," he cleared his throat,"Marv said he'd let us know if we get a reply."

"Oh good." Hermione sipped her drink again and felt her head getting fuzzy. She peered out the window and found black smoke creeping through the main street from the castle. The wind must have been carrying it.

They sat in silence for what seemed like ages. Pondering their own questions, staring out the window and trying to think up some conversation starters. Marv came to the table and plopped down a letter. Draco opened it and Hermione saw a glimpse of handwriting. It wasn't Draco's. She watched his face fall before asking what had happened.

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