Chapter Seven

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Hermione sat speechless for a moment. But, before Draco's eyes could turn sad, she replied:

"Of course, Draco!" His face relaxed and she didn't realize how stressed out the question had made him. They stood and wrapped their arms around each other. Being in this moment, in his arms, Hermione didn't know until that moment that this was all she had ever wanted: To love with all of her heart, and to be loved the same amount in return.

They finished their dinner and headed back to the Slytherin common room, hand in hand.


The common room was still as everyone had already boarded the train home. Draco had explained that his mother and father would be staying in the Hog's Head. He said they had told him it was because there wasn't enough room at Hogwarts. Hermione guessed it was actually because McGonagall didn't actually trust them.

They took a seat on the couch in front of the fire place and snuggled up into the other's arms.

Draco Malfoy is my boyfriend, Ron and I are no longer on speaking terms, and Harry and Ginny are having a baby. What world is this? When did I crash land here?

"Draco?" A silken voice asked from behind them. Draco and Hermione quickly untangled from each other and turned to face Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy. They had obviously not heard the two enter and Lucius' face tightened as he scanned Hermione's. Noticing this, Hermione quickly turned a bright pink.

Narcissa was the one that had spoken. Her flawless face had one neat eyebrow raised so far up it may have hit the scrambled to his feet as gracefully as he could.

"Mother," he walked to her and planted a kiss on her cheek. "Father." His voice turned slightly colder and he held out his hand for the sleek haired man, who had not taken his eyes off of the bushy haired girl that was just so comfortably snuggled up against his son. He finally gave Draco his gloved hand and they shook awkwardly.

"Draco, your father and I wanted to see you before we went to Hogsmeade for the night. We herd about the past two attacks on the castle, and how they still have people unaccounted for. When we didn't see you at dinner, we thought the worst." Mrs. Malfoy put a hand to her mouth in an attempt to choke back the tears that had begun to sting her eyes. Lucius remained unfazed.

"I'm sorry mother. I should have notified you of my plans." Draco walked back over to Hermione who was now standing by the couch. "Mother, father, you remember Hermione Granger?" Her put his arm around her and she had to fight back a shudder. Every touch from him was like a burst of sunshine running through her veins.

"The mudblood from your years here. Yes." Lucius' curt assessment made Hermione shift uncomfortably. Draco stiffened and glared at his father.

"Hermione," he emphasized, "is my girlfriend. I'd appreciate you not use that word, especially referring to her." It was polite, but one could assess that it was more of an order than a request for courtesy. And, it was obvious Lucius did not take kindly to this.

"I will do as I please, Draco. Now, if you'll excuse us, your mother and I are wary from our trip and we need to get some rest." He turned on his heel and left the room. Narcissa, on the other hand lingered a moment.

"Draco, please don't take your father's attitude personally. He's been through quite the ordeal and it's hard on him to things." She glanced at Hermione only briefly. "Please, just have patience with him. It's a lot of change in a very short period of time for someone...someone who was in his position." Draco looked at Hermione, then back to his mother, giving her a shrug.

She, sated with this reaction, walked over to the couple and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek."I, for one am happy for you and Hermione, by the way." She smiled a radiant smile and then made her way out of the common room. Draco's mother certainly was a beautiful woman.

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