Chapter Eleven

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He sneered at Hermione when he noticed the look of recognition cross her face.

"Yea, Granger, me. Bring the bitch in here." He looked from Hermione to the Dark Mass member holding her awkwardly. The man carried her to the room with the fireplace and dropped her onto a chair and began binding her with rope from his wand. She attempted to get up and struggle, but her broken leg felt as though it was on fire and she let out a small shriek. This only made Blaise sneer turn into an evil grin as he strode over to her and pushed her back down onto the small wooden seat.

Blaise looked at the hand that touched Hermione, and he looked disgusted. He took out a little bottle of hand sanitizer from his pants pocket and squirted some into his palm and rubbed his hands together. "Filthy mudblood. Don't try to leave, Granger. After your boyfriend, Saint Potter, gets back I'll kill you then him. Lucius might have failed, but if I'm honest, I wasn't really counting on him to succeed." Hermione gave him a look and he scoffed.

"I don't care to explain to you how I became the leader of this beautiful little group, but I will assure you," He looked her in the eyes, his face draining of any humor, "I had to kill a lot of people to get here. You aren't the first, you won't be the last, but you will be one of the most satisfying." He flicked out his wand, pointed it at Hermione's throat and closed the distance between them. "I think I'll start by cutting right here." Hermione turned and spat in Blaise's face. He acted instinctively and tossed the chair that bound her across the room and into a mirror. Hermione and the chair landed sideways on the broken glass.

"How dare you!" He yelled as Hermione struggled to keep focus of his face. "You'll pay for your disrespect, mudblood!" He raised his wand again to point at Hermione.

"Blaise? Enough! What are you doing?" His voice, usually warm when speaking to her, was full of confusion and hatred. Draco had arrived, Harry on his heels, wand already pointed at Blaise's back. Harry had a bruise on the side of his head while Draco was sporting a fresh black eye and a bleeding lip.

"Draco! By Merlin's wrinkly-" Draco cut him off.

"Blaise, what are you doing? Are you apart of this?"

"Ah, never were that bright were you Malfoy? I run this!" He spread his arms wide showcasing his followers and their camp. Hermione noticed now that it was four of the Dark Mass against just Harry and Draco. It was an unfair fight, and she needed to figure out how to get them the upper hand. She struggled to find a piece of glass with the hand closest to the floor. Though her arms were bound behind the chair, she could still cut the rope and find a way to help Draco and Harry.

"And you, my old friend, you're running with Saint Potter and his filthy mutt of a pal?" He jabbed an elbow at Hermione, making her freeze her efforts for a moment.

"That gorgeous woman is my girlfriend, Blaise. Mind your tongue." His voice was harsh and his wand was now out and raised at Blaise as well.

"So, this is where we stand now? Always knew you were a coward, Malfoy. Didn't know you were this much of one though." Blaise didn't move his wand from pointing at Hermione's throat. It was the only leverage he had. Or so, he thought.

"Potter saved us both that night. How can you not be grateful?" Draco was either ignoring Blaise's insults or attempting to distract him, Hermione couldn't tell which.

"I am grateful. So much so, in fact that I want to repay him by finishing the job Voldemort couldn't. You should of let me die when you had the chance, Potter." Blaise's eyes flashed something sinister and Harry took his chance.

"Expelliarmus!" One of the thugs wands flew from his hand and landed in Harry's, and with that the duel began. Spells, hexes and curses shot across the small room and Hermione frantically began cutting away at her bonds.

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