The Birth

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Hermione glanced up at the awards that had their names written in cursive, respectively. They were a shiny gold with flecks of bronze strewn throughout and they sat on the mantle above the fireplace in the large common space. She remembers her and Draco having received them along with Harry and a slew of others at a ceremony the ministry held. It was for their work in bringing the Dark Mass down, and returning order to the wizarding community. Harry had a bunch already, and this was Hermione's second, but these awards proved special due to it being Draco's first. They were to show that even the most evil of people can change.

The baby kicked, and Hermione was brought back to reality.

Draco was running around, making sure the baby bag and Hermione's bag were packed. Hermione couldn't help but see how adorable he looked when he was completely flustered. She giggled but stopped short as another contraction came on. She grabbed her large belly.

"Another one, Hermione?" Ginny came and sat next to Hermione on the couch. She and Harry had arrived only a few moments ago, Mrs. Weasley was watching James.

"Yes, but I can handle it." Hermione looked at the pretty red haired woman and made a smile through her wincing. Ginny's belly was growing again too, though she and Harry hadn't said anything official about it. Hermione supposed they were waiting until she gave birth to her's and Draco's bundle of joy. It was very thoughtful of them.

A crashing sound came from the kitchen behind them, followed by a quick 'I'm ok!' from Draco. Hermione and Ginny giggled and Harry pried his attention away from the fire and went to help the blonde man.

"I'm so excited for you two!" Ginny said, putting a hand on Hermione's stomach.

"I'm excited too! I just hope Draco doesn't do something to earn himself a bed next to me at the infirmary between now and then." Hermione prompted hearing yet another series of clanks and thuds coming from behind them.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. C'mon, Luna said she was bringing the car round; she should be out front by now." Ginny helped the pained Hermione to her feet and they shuffled to the front door. Because of Hermione's condition, apparating and the use of floo powder were considered highly dangerous, therefore the six wizards would be traveling by car. Neville and Luna were kind enough to lend their van for the trip.

"Harry, Draco, we're leaving!" Ginny called behind her as she helped Hermione out the door and down the front steps. A commotion sounded and Draco and Harry appeared in the doorway not even a moment later.

"Have they gotten worse, love?" Draco asked, hurrying to Hermione's side with a suitcase in hand.

"Not worse, just closer together." Hermione strained.

With his free hand, Draco took over Ginny's job of helping Hermione by the arm. Ginny fell back to walk behind the expecting couple, and to hold Harry's hand. Luna was waiting in the passenger seat, and Neville had gotten out of the big van to open the door for them. And, with quick 'thank yous' being said, the four of them hustled into their seats, and put on their seat belts.

Hermione felt bad that neither her parents nor Draco's would be at the birth of their first grandchild. It comforted her somewhat to know that her parents would be there the following day at least with Narcissa.

"Let's go have a baby!" Luna exclaimed in a sing song voice, to which everyone else cheered then broke off into laughter.


The hospital was a large white building built on the outskirts of the town. It was magicked from muggle site as to give the wizards and witches that went there privacy. It being hidden also insured that no random muggles would come in expecting help and get an odd potion, or a quick fix with a wand. That would be difficult to explain.

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