chapter 9

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Annie's pov
I hear giggling from a corner of the room. There's a set of red eyes in the area the laughter is coming from. It sounds evil and dark and full of darkness and hurt. The eyes are glowing red like the color of blood. I hear a scream and then I feel a piece of cloth around my mouth suffocating me and feel rope around my hands and legs. Then the lights turn on. I see Cole on my right and Alana on my left. There both tied up and have a gag in there mouth. The person is in the middle of the room. Her eyes are as red as blood. Her hair as black as night. She has a crazed look in her eyes and blood stains her hair, face, clothes and knife?? I look around and see Coles mom on the ground dead. Then I see another body which belongs to my mom. I start shaking. THEIR BOTH DEAD!!! I see my sister sobbing. Cole has a pained and surprised expression. I'm so scared and angry. Of all people why my mother and the sweet and kind Mrs. Espinosa. All I can think is why. My mother was abusive sure but she was my mother. I cared about her. The woman looked at us and said
       "Oh I forgot about you. Well as you see your mother's are dead. You may wanna know why. Well first off they took my senpai. They both dated him but broke his heart once they found there true loves. He was broken and I tried to comfort him but it never worked. He loved them very much. He DIED the very next month because he couldn't take the depression. He thought nobody cared about him. I DID though but I wasn't enough for him!! So now as my revenge I have killed them. Don't worry I won't hurt you I will treat you children as my own and you will feel loved. I always wanted children!" I was about to respond but remembered the gag so I couldn't speak I just cried.
    "Oh don't cry my child" she moved towards us with a pan in hand. I flinched as she said the words "my child".
    " I won't hurt you. You'll have a great life and go to the same school and live life normally except I shall be your new mother. It's gonna be fun." Then in one fluid motion she knocked us out. Everything went black.
Sorry about the darkness in these chapters I just felt really dark and want to hurt something I'm mad so I wrote something dark. I'm sorry the next few chapters may be dark.

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