Chapter 16

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Cole's POV

All of a sudden the lights change and the music changes and a spotlight is placed on the stairs. I knew immediately it was Annie's entrance because she always wanted and entrace like a princess to a ball. First Alana walks down the stairs in a beautiful pink dress that was very puffy. She almost fell two times flat on her face. When she got near the stairs a Butler held out his arm to her and took her to a playroom where some of her friends where including that random kids Naito. Which hugged her immediately. Then Annie starts walking down and this may be one of those cliche moments but I didn't care she looked so beautiful and radiant. I couldn't move, my eyes where glued to every single move she made. As she got near the end of the stairs a guy came out of the shadows towards her. I couldn't see his face but Annie's reaction said it all. It was RYDER. Annie looked over at me and with her eyes said 'its fine let me deal with it'. I almost grabbed him and wanted to pin him down and hurt him but Annie wouldn't allow it and wouldn't forgive me so I didn't and let her be. She accepted Ryder's arm and then they went into the crowd to dance. The DJ then played Attention by Charlie Puth. Ryder grabbed her waist maybe a little to close to her butt. I almost strangled him but then myli grabbed my arm.
    "What are you doing?" I asked her.
     "Forget about her for a moment will you? She can defend herself plus have a little fun in your life and dance  with me!" She said with a seductive smile.
     "Myli can you stop trying to get me to love you for one second she's your best friend and she could be harassed by him and hurt all over again." I told her.
     "She can protect herself Cole! You don't need to always be there for her. I get that you like her but can't you see she only sees you as a friend and I would be a way better girlfriend." She said.
    "Maybe she only sees me as a friend but as her friend I WILL PROTECT HER NO MATTER WHAT! And at least I truly care about her unlike you!" I said and then took my hands away from hers.
    "I've been her friend since elementary school. You barely met her this year when you moved into the apartments. So I am her true friend." She said running after me. All of her friends started staring at us.
   "Do you know that she cuts? Do you know that her mom abuses her? Do you know that she feels all the guilt of her mom being drunk and did you even know that her mother died? You don't even text her or talk to her at school. You only talk to her when you want to." I shouted back. Everyone was watching us know. I stormed out and went to my room. As soon as I got there I punched the wall. How could Myli be so insensitive. I heard a soft knock on the door.
     "WHO THE HELL IS IT?!" I screamed.
      "Cole are you ok? It's me Annie. I heard you shouting at Myli and then you stormed out. I got worried." Said her soft concerned voice. It sounded like she had been crying.
     "I'm ok. It was nothing." I said walking to the door and letting her in. The party had continued despite the fight.
    "Cole it wasn't just about nothing. You only get mad like that when your protecting me." She said concerned.
    "You shouldn't be worried about me I should be worried about you. Your voice sounds hurt and your eyes are red and puffy."I said concerned
    "It's nothing. Nothing happened I'm a tough girl I can deal with life." She said the smile she held faltering.
     "Tell me the truth. I will tell you what happened if you tell me what happened to you."I said.
     "Deal now tell me!" She demanded.
Annie's POV

I felt tears fall down my cheeks. I can't believe Myli did that. She truly didn't care about me. She knew I used to like Cole but she still fell for him so I gave up and returned to my feelings for Ryder.
   "She really said all those awful things about you and only to get on you?" I asked him
    "Yes. She's not a true friend Annie and I don't want you to have people like that in your life."
    "Thank you Cole your the best friend I could ever have!" I said and I hugged him.
    "Now tell me what happened to you." He said
    "Ok..." I started but was interrupted by the sound of screams.
     "What was that sound?"Cole asked but I was already half wayout the door.
Oooooo I wondered wats gonna happen next. I put the song attention cuz Myli just wanted attention from Cole and got rejected and cuz Ryder didn't want Annie's heart just the attention.

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