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"What the hell happened?!" Rumlow bellowed, fuming in Zola's face.

"So it works."

Rumlow came unglued. "You almost killed her!" Aster whimpered in her sleep and curled into Rumlow's chest.

"Careful, you wouldn't want to wake her." Zola warned, a sadistic smile etched into his face.

"If you so much as touch my trainer again, I will make you wish you were never born!" Rumlow growled menacingly, pushing Zola back.

Zola seemed unfazed. "It is unwise to place yourself in this position Rumlow. Once she is a solider, she will not feel anything for anyone."

Rumlow stormed out of the lab and back to his quarters, setting Aster down and unwrapping his hands from sparring, waiting for her to wake up. She began whimpering in her sleep, hitting at invisible enemies.

"Parks, wake up." He grabbed her wrists and her eyes shot open, trying to flinch away. "It's okay, you're safe." His voice was soft and soothing. Her face went slack as an agent barged through the door.

"Project 37 is to report to her handler immediately."

"Yes sir." Aster began to follow the agent before Rumlow stepped in front of her.

"Who is your handler?"

She remained stiff as a board, her voice monotone. "I am not allowed to reveal that information."

He caught her arm as she tried to walk past him again. "Snap out of it Parks. This isn't you." She slowly swiveled her head to him, sending a creepily blank stare in his direction.

Then she attacked, landing punch after punch on his cheek and jaw. He dodged a few, but her movements were without mercy.

"Parks! I'm trying to help you!" He refused to fight her, finally giving up his defenses.

She placed one hand on his neck, gripping tight enough to cut off the air flow.

He placed one hand on hers frantically, looking straight into her blank stare. "Wake up Aster. It's me. Rumlow."

Her eyes suddenly widened and she let go, burying her tear stained face into his chest. Her held her close trying to catch his breath, placing his chin on top of her head.

"Lets go get you help." He murmured into her eye, picking up the slight girl and running toward the front of H.Y.D.R.A's base, where he stole and bike and sped toward the one place he usually avoided like the plague.


They got there in record time before Aster was hit with another round of electric shocks, sending her sprawling to the ground. Rumlow watched her helplessly as agents with guns surrounded them, aiming with careful precision.

"I surrender, just fucking help her!"

Rumlow tried to follow an agent as they carried the trembling Aster away, but was knocked out by the butt of a gun.


Aster had a war in her head.

The side that was controlled commanded her to kill these strange people.

The side that lay untouched wanted very much to find Rumlow.

The side that was in pain wanted simply to curl up and die.

Dedicated to alwaysannabella

Fixing RumlowWhere stories live. Discover now