Act 1: Scene 7

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Evadine (cont.)

All sorts of animals come to my rescue, they claw at the girl's arms, body and legs.
"Tell me who you are and what you want here," I growl.


I fall to the ground, writhing in pain as she shrieks and screams, and I start to panic when vines creep up my legs, up towards my throat...
I thrash around, trying to escape them. I vaguely hear her shouting about the lost god Pan, High Priestesses and what not, but I don't absorb any of It and my head feels as though it was about to explode and feel my body being mauled as I hear one last thing:

"Tell me who you are and what you want here," she growls

"Never," I choke out as everything finally goes black. I let the fire lose upon the forest. It would only take a spark.


A fire begins to engulf the forest. I hate fire. I snap my fingers and it is extinguished by the help of my animal friends. I look down at the girl. She had blacked out.

I sigh, lugging her up upon my shoulders like a.... fireman, is that what you call them??

I do enjoy the odd fight with another demigod. The children of Hades have always been attracted to me, like moths to a flame. The last one who came, Nico, I think, was extremely powerful. Perhaps she could tell me...?

I drag her back to my tree but and tuck her into my bed. I will have to sleep on the sofa for the night. I yawn. So tired, and just before I collapse I place a sleeping charm over the girl. Just in case.

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