Memories ~ Evadines Backstory chapter

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When I was 11, my mother and I went on a trip together. This was a very long time ago. About 3,884 years ago or so. The gods had not been around as long as they are now. It was a time when everyone knew of the gods. Even mortals. Yes, this was ancient Greece.
  Anyway, we didn't go get from our little town just below Mount Nysa. We stopped beneath an oak tree, the oldest of the oaks that protected out town from monsters. It was there my mother told me about my father; and it was also there that the nymph that was the tree, was drove mad by her own jealousy of my mother, of how she, a meer mortal, had gained the attention of the great god Pan of the Wild, and also by a twisted curse of Apollo.
I should now explain why Apollo hates me and my family. You know the story of the stayr who had to judge who was the better musician out of my father (on the pan-pipes ) and Apollo  (on his lyre) ? Well that is how it began. When the stayr announced that my father was the better of the two Apollo cursed the poor fellow out of rage and spite. But he did not stop there. When he had done that, he wished to curse Pan too. But he could not, so he punished me instead, and sent the nymph into a jealous rage, he envocked his jealously and anger in her.
    The nymph and her sisters refused to protect the town anymore, and called upon as many monsters as they could. Then they did the worst thing imaginable. They made me stay still, paralyzed, to watch them destory my home and to devover and kill my family, friends, to be helpless as your whole life collapes infront of your face.... I would not wish it upon anybody.

   Then as the deed had been done, I heard the whole story, from the one who has watched this happen to me.
My father. Pan. He watched this all happen and didn't even attempt to help me. He watched me suffer, and now that it is over he comes.

"WHY?!" I scream at him. Tears stream down my face in torrents, but I don't care anymore.

"I'm....I'm sorry," he says his eyes bloodshot, tears fall down his face. "I couldn't do anything, his...his magic, it...It forced me away, it stopped me, kept me away like it was a barrier ( I know, bad simile ),"

He speads his arms out, and I don't care anymore. I run to him for a hug.

Once I had calmed down as much as one can when ones life had been destroyed, he explained his plan to me.

"You have to do it, you'll be save, until you are needed most," he pleaded to me

"But why with her?!" I moan

"He won't find you in there,"

"But...but she'll....she'll try and kill me!"

"Take this," he hands me a long, thin, jagged blade, short and sharp ( oh thanks dad, just when I need It, when my town is destoryed and my family is dead ) "It will keep you safe,"

He looks up at the woods around us. Just above is lay the home of the centeur (sorry of its spelt wrong) Chiron. Somehow my father had managed to move the tree of the evil nymph to here.

"I have to do it now,"

I gulp and nod. I walk until my back is right up against the oak tree. He put his plams out and concentrates.


He nods.

"I love you,"

"I love you too sweetheart." He says, his eyes full of sadness.

And that was the last time I ever saw a member of my family.

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