Act 1: Scene 8

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I slowly open my groggy eyes and slap an arm over my face, wincing at the pain and the bright light surrounding me.

I push the heavy quilts off of me and trudge towards the bathroom.

I start to my senses when my small, dainty feet got the cold, hard wooden floor instead od the warm, fluffy carpet I was used to.

I panic when I see the girl from earlier passed out, snoring and drilling in the corner, limbs spread around her like one of Poseidon's starfish.

I spot my black knee boots in the far corner, and lace them up quickly, easily watching the dryad in the corner as I did so.

I dart through the carved door at the far end of the small tree-hut to find myself suspended on a wooden balcony of some description.

I take a deep breath. It was jump, or be mauled by man-eating rabbits again. I decide to jump.

I hold my breath, and climb over the surprisingly strong wooden railing and let myself fall. I land silently.

I let myself regain my balnce for a second, and race towards our temporary camp, safe to my, technically, younger brother, even though he looked younger than me, Nico Di Angelo.


I wake to find the girl has disappeared. I sigh at my chance of reversing the curse has disappeared into the shadows once again. I went out to the balcony and look out. Is that a camp I spy? I get excited. I dress quickly and leave for the camp on the hill.

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