Act 1: Scene 11

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Hellooo, it's Ashlyn here, and since Evadine was so cruel and gave you a cliffhanger, I have derided to update the book for you. (You're welcome!!*winks*)
Thanks for all the votes and reads!!! We really appreciate it!!! Now, in with the story!!


She mentions Nico, asking if I had him aswell, but I don't. When I reeled his sister in, he did a Hestia/Prometheus.

She kicks the tree and I wince. Even after so long I am obviously attached to the tree, the only way is to burn it.

When I request her to do this she looks at me like I'm crazy.

"You do know that it will kill you, right?" She enquires.

I smirk.

"That's what you think."

Then she ignited. I thought I was ready for it. But I wasn't. Od course I wasn't. I closed my eyes.

The pain was horrific, but it eventually passed, at first slowly but then faster. It was like someone had lifted a dead weight off of my exhausted shoulders. I hadn't known I was tired until I was fully awake. I was finally free of this nightmare!!

I opened my eyes, and the scene before me was terrible. Trees were burning and things were in turmoil. The girls eyes were wise and terrified.

"I...I didn't mean to..." she stutters.

I tried to look strong.
The girl furrowed her brow.

"And how are you still alive?"

"I'll explain later, but now we have to work together."


Nuh uh. No. I DID NOT just do that.

I let out a gurgled gasp as I saw my bow and quiver in the ashes I the ancient tree, melted.

I swirl around and face the meant to be dead dryad and snarled, "look what you made me do!" I shout over the roaring of the ever-growing flames, "Those were a gift from Artemis and Apollo!! How dare you!!"

I see her pale a soon as I mention the sun god.

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