Act 1: Scene 13

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A/N Words in italics are Greek translations


I tear out of the forest after her and stand tall as Chiron calls out for me. I step out of the shadows, and turn my clothes back into a citron.

"Μπορείτε να καλέσετε; Είμαι εδώ,"

You call? I am here.

I say.

He slowly cocks his head.

" ναι παιδί. Ξέρω τι έχετε κάνει, αλλά μπορούμε να αλλάξουμε. Ξέρω ότι είναι διαφορετικά τώρα. Σας δίνω άλλη μια ευκαιρία."

Yes kid. I know what you have done, but we can change. I know it's different now. I give you another chance.

I sigh with relief. Perhaps things had changed...?

" αλλά δεν έχει σημασία. τα πράγματα πρέπει να επιλυθούν. Το δάσος. Αν πραγματικά είναι ένα παιδί της Pan μπορείτε να διορθώσετε αυτό. τότε μπορούμε να σας επιτρέψει στη." He looked towards the forest and smiled at me.

But it does not matter. things need to be resolved. The forest. If you really are a child of Pan you can fix it. then we can allow you to.

I grin and then up from the ground rise three tree men. Each is armed with a magic fire hose. I command them to do their job and they do. I help move the rocks, and soon it the forest is better (and Zeus's fist looks bigger than ever)

I go back to the side of the hill were they still stand.

" ευπρόσδεκτη ημίθεος"

Welcome demigod.


I gasp. The fire was gone, and the forest is better than ever.

What was that?

I glance out towards camp, to see a crowd gathering around a golden chariot. Apollo. I smirk. I knew the girl was afraid of him.

I wonder what was going on, I could hear the shouts from here, they sounded bad.

I smiled in glee and sprinted like an agile cat down the hill to greet my old friend.


What? He was here? I bet that girl arranged it. (Reminder: find out her name) I hated Apollo, I wasn't scared of him, but he ruined my entire life. Everything was something to do with him.

Suddenly I am filled with anger. Why should he chase me from my home? And why should he destroy my old one?

I will fight him of it comes to that. He deserves it. I run down towards the hill. Into the fray I go.

I spot him and yell,

"What are you here for? Are you going to curse me for another petty jealousy?"


I freeze. I hadn't anticipated that she would actually stand up to him.

I saw Apollo's face darken as he yelled back,



I take a deep breath.

"I think the question is more why are you here. Like I said, you gonna ruin my whole live for another four thousand years like before? "

It dawns on him who I am, and his once arrogant face changes dramatically

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2017 ⏰

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