Skyney : my goat

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~ inspired by the recent roommates episode but what would happen if Barney stayed and sky's feelings for him were to much and he ended up staying with him? Barney is human btw~

Sky's pov

I watched as my best friend in the whole world finally gets his happyending( I wish I was included in this ending) tears came to my eyes( he's never been happier) I hated myself at the moment for not telling him that I love him so much. I follow Preston and Red to the plane"no........I'm not going" red turns to me"what? Why would you even want to stay here for?" I look at his village" I'm staying here because Barney's I love him so much, but you wouldn't even understand how I feel since you got rid of your emotions" I turn away from him and head back to Barney's coronation. He saw me and pulled me into a hug" I thought you left with the others! Why are you here!?” I chuckled" I would miss you too much, we've been through a lot together" he just smiles at me and drags me to his farm" I'm going to guess that you wanted to stay with me?” I nod" um....i want to tell you something" he turned to look at me( here goes nothing).

Barney's pov
One minute I'm sharing my new home with my friend and crush and next thing I know he's kissing me. I kiss back with out hesitation, I don't know how long we stood like that with our lips molded together but I stopped for air, his lips went to my neck" I mgh!" I melted into his touch"ngh sky...w..we c.cant mhh!” he stopped and looked at me" what do you mean we can't? You were injoying this just as much as I was” I blush" that may be true but.......its not allowed unless my parents say it's okay" he looked at me confused" I can't date you unless my parents say it's okay........but they don't even know I'm gay soo we might have a problem"  it clicks in his head" oh......but can't we tell them in the morning?" I shake my head" they don't even know your here, they think you left with the others" he had a devious smile on his face" then I don't see a problem with me fucking you right now" I blush( he's right they won't know until tomorrow morning) he smirked and continues what we were doing earlier. ~ next morning~

Sky's pov

I groaned softly as the light entered Barney's room, looking at him I can't help but smile( he's mine) I lean my head forward and kiss him" it's time to get up Barney" he shifted and unwilling opened his eye" hi"  I smiled at him" hello there beautiful" he laughed tiredly and got up grabbing his clothes and putting them on" my parents will be here soon so....get changed please" I wrap my arms around his waist pulling him close to me" I love you Barney" he smiled" I love you too Sky" I let him go down stairs. After a few I head down stairs only to find him and his parents" oh! Hey I didn't know when you were coming down so your breakfast is on the counter over there" I smiled at him and grabbed my food it was surprisingly good" I didn't know you could cook! You have to teach me how to make some of these” he smiled at me and continued talking to his parents, I could feel them staring at me" uh they keep staring at me" Barney said something to them and they turned away from me. Barney's mother walked up to me and stared me down "« Bing bong shichilar»" I was confused" she said take care of Barney or I will hurt you" I gulped and nodded" so they know about us?” he nodded his head as his parents left" I love you so much Barney" he smiled" I love you too Sky" I bring him close to me and kiss him not wanting to be anywhere else except here with him.

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