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(Jason's POV)
"Daddy!" Jayden came running to me after the whole crew were coming back. I picked him up and kissed his cheek

"Hey babe! Were you good for Liam?" I raised an eyebrow

"No, I with Justin!" He smiled. Justin came walking from behind as my heart melt as always when I see him. Why does he keep coming near me?! Hasn't he notice I blush and all that stuff by just saying a simple word!

"You were with Justin? I thought you didn't like him anymore?"

"Daddy I forgive him, keep up! U even ask me!" Jayden rolled his eyes and everyone laughed

"Alright then Mr. Mini Sass!" I rolled my eyes and walked away. I had to because Justin was near. I walked into the dancer room like before the show and put Jayden on the couch giving him my phone so he could play some games to keep him entertained

"Hey! You did good out there!" Mark patted my back coming into the room

"Thanks, you did good too as always!" I smiled

"I have a question and it involves Justin..." He trailed off nodding his head at Jayden. I nodded back grabbing my phone from him, putting on piano tiles and giving it back. Piano tiles always keeps Jayden distracted

"Alright, ask away." I sighed

"Okay so I was wondering, why do you keep walking away from Justin I mean yes he is your celebrity crush, but dude. At least try to flirt with him! He's only gonna be here for one day get your chances!" Mark said

"I-I can't." I looked down. "Justin is straight keep that in mind. Like he would like me he probably has zero percent interest in boys! Mark yes I know I do love him! But I can't do anything about it! I can't change him! Hell nawh can I make him love me! I know I want him to, but it can't happen, so making moves would be a total fail!"

"Doesn't mean there isn't a chance. It's like your scared of him. He's coming up to you and your walking away especially when Jayden is in your arms and those two already are kinda close. What I'm trying to say is we all care for you Wolf and to see you look all sad is not what we wanna see from you! We wanna see the happy Wolf we always saw when you joined!"

"I know, I try to be happy I want to, but when he's around I get nervous. I don't know what to say, or anything!"

"He makes you feel something huh?"

"He makes me feel something bigger than love."


"Really Mark!"

"Just saying..."
(Justin's POV)
I removed my ear and everyone was glaring at me. We we're all standing outside the door trying our best to be quiet. We wanted to know how Jason was feeling and why he keeps walking away whenever I came around. Mark participated to go into the room since it was dancers only and to ask Jason.

"Now you know how you make him feel." Ariana looked at me

"Am I the reason he's sad.." I sighed

"No, he loves you and it breaks his heart that he knows you won't love him back." Scott said

"He was happy, his normal self before you came." Brian crossed his arms

"Maybe this is an act?" I shrugged. I didn't know what to say those words just spit out and everyone just laughed at me

"Justin this can't be an act. Jason is gay and I mean gay asf he isn't showing it today that much when your around. For crying out loud he fainted when he heard you were coming!" Joesar said

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