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(Jason's POV)
When I came back from the dance studio the twins were on the couch, arms crossed, and were looking straight at me with a glare. Something's going on...

"How long have you guys been sitting there?" I furrowed my eyebrows

"An hour, we had the TV on, but than heard your foot steps." Alyssa kept her glare

"Why are you looking at me like I killed your bunny?"

"Is the name Logan Merlin familiar?" Jordyn asked. The fuck how do they know him?

"Y-Yes." I stuttered. They scare me sometimes okay!

"Did he ask you any questions?" Alyssa asked


"Well guess what!" Jordyn stomped her foot


"Alyssa tell him."

"When me and Justin we're hanging Cindy, Logan's sister, tried approaching asking him for a photo like bitch you already got your snake one! Me and Jordyn were wondering why she was here and we found out she was Logan's sister. We need payback on the girl for the things she's done to us!" Alyssa explained.

"What has she done to you?"

"She stole my boyfriend! And took Alyssa's part in the popular group!" Jordyn rolled her eyes.

"BOYFRIEND!" I yelled. Since when did my baby sister ever have a fucking boyfriend?

"Don't worry Alyssa beat his ass for breaking up with me and I beat Cindy's for stealing him away, anyway we were wondering if there was anyway you could give us the location they're staying at so we could do shit to Cindy."

"Only if you guys get Logan too." Yes I'm actually thinking of making this deal. Also Logan needs payback for calling me a cutie and kissing my cheek like bitch who the fuck do you think you are, you did hear them say I had a boyfriend.

"Deal!" Jordyn shook my hand

"Okay there staying at (address of their hotel and room number)" They nodded and ran upstairs. Now time for me to sleep.
~~~~~~The next day...~~~~~~
I opened the door to the studio letting everyone in. The finalists were all here. Even Logan. He looked pretty tired doe. Did the girls interrupt his sleep or something?

"You look confused Jase." Tracey approached me

"I didn't sleep that good last night, so I'm kinda feeling different." I shrugged

"Oh, hope you feel better than." She smiled walking away. I will when they eliminate Logan.
"Round and round your love winds me up!" I sang

"Like a Hula Hula hoop!" Nekai continued

"Hula hula hoop!" Mark finished. Hula hoop by Omi is one of my favorite songs okay don't judge.

"You're a good singer Jase!" Joesar complimented

"Thanks, but singing ain't my thing." I shrugged. I may have a secret album for singing, but that's secret and is never getting released.

"Guys! It's time for the finalists to show us their routines!" Brian smiled. I knew he was excited he loves seeing people dance.

"Okay okay! Who first?" Ricky asked

"How about Caleb?" Corey suggested

"Why, because both of you start with C's?" Tracey laughed

"Maybe..." Corey sang

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